Ethics of Israel


The Israeli government says that burning a teenager is the work of “extremists” and not part of his “ethics” … Indeed, his “ethics” is to bomb civilians and destroy them by tens, hundreds, and in the recent past by the thousands. It is much more “noble”!

And the international community has “obviously” understood it is the right of Israel to defend themselves against rockets that their technology allows them to destroy and / or divert flight.

The ethics of the State of Israel, from all political parties, is imposed on the world and Arab governments, as Asian and Western fold hypocritically. And because this hypocrisy is shared, and international, human beings and citizens around the world should make it an international cause of defending the dignity of our humanity.

19 Commentaires

  1. One of the opening quotes from the Hamas Charter:

    “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it,
    just as it obliterated others before it”

    — Imam Hassan al-Banna, Founder of The Muslim Brotherhood and grandfather of Tariq Ramadan

    • What my grandfather did or said does NOT involve, does NOT govern my own opinions. But you, you think it does because somehow you keep reading/believing the same old stories without questioning them.
      Please be critical against your own opinions first (or those of your grandparents) before criticizing wrongly other people and judging them for what they just never did/perpetrated.

    • hey dd
      context is everything. that quote of Imam Al-Banna was made during a time when Israel’s founding fathers were engaged in well targeted political assassinations and Palestinian land grabs. you might want to consider
      sophisticating and clothing your sound bites with with historical context and facts. The Imam was a thoughtful
      well educated Muslim looking out for future of those he loved so much

  2. Muslim apologists will say that such kidnappings and murders are the work of “extremists” and contrary to Islamic “ethics.” In fact, the ethics of The Muslim Brotherhood, as outlined in The Hamas Charter of 1988, clarifies the underlying ethics of Islamism:

    “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it,
    just as it obliterated others before it”

    — Imam Hassan al-Banna, Founder of The Muslim Brotherhood
    and grandfather of Tariq Ramadan.

    • Even if the so called extremists are found to be the creation of the Mossad, CIA ?
      How much evidence do you need before you can stop denying it?
      Let’s see is it just a coincidence that the majority of the so called terrorists extremists were never extremists until they were hired.
      Like the Finsbury park mosque which is known and it is “ran” by the MI6 with many Mossad operatives.
      Why does Mccain regularly meets up with the leader of ISIS such as Shimon Eliot, Sholomo Ettinger ?
      How long are you going to keep lying to yourselves and try to justify the unjustifiable ?
      Israel is a rogue state, a fascist state, it is ran by a bunch of cold blooded murderers, it is a an arrogant and racist state, the real Jews don’t and never really subscribed to their ideology many many Jewish intellectuals have spoken against it, are they all crazy, self-hating Jews? This is the most ludicrous label I have never seen, so according to you, anyone who criticizes Zionism, and Israel is a Jew hater and if he happen to be a Jew then he must be a self-hating Jew? I am sorry but it’s so funny if it weren’t serious.
      Do you actually still expect any rational individual or group would ever believe the nonsense that Israel uses as a justification for its systematic ongoing genocides?
      What is even funnier is when I read that it’s a democratic state, excuse me ? You sound like you have a very selective memory.
      A state that was created from terrorism and still being ran by terrorists and you dare calling it a democratic nation? lol

      If that were true, why then all of those who are critical of Israel are either, tortured, beaten, threatened, intimidated be it inside Israel or in the west?
      How many Jewish were persecuted for trying to stand up to the bully state that you call a “democracy” ?
      It pretends to stand for the Jewish people while the very same people are telling it all in one voice, not in our name.
      The Jews know all too well that their ancestors were persecuted by the Zionists in other countries, they forced them to flee their native countries and the only place they found refuge was Israel, just as the Zionists wanted it, because they were behind the terror campaigns.
      Like it was the case in north Africa, Tunisia, Algeria Morocco, proof?
      France was in charge in 1948, these nations were still colonies so how can something like this happen under the very nose of the french authority ? Because Papa Zion has spoken that is why

      I haven’t even touched on the legitimacy of them being there, that is for another time.

      Sorry drop the acting of “Israel has to defend itself” it’s an old broken record that nobody listens to anymore, except the puppets also known as “Politicians”

  3. Israel is an illusive state which have succeded in muffeling mouths cuffed reactions of most influential countries and overnments, by means of controlling world business and political lobbying.

  4. Many people in Israel and The West fail to comprehend why Muslims cannot accept a partition of Palestine (for the protection of a Jewish minority of the MENA region) in the same way they welcomed the partition of India and creation of Pakistan (for the benefit of a Muslim minority). The best way to understand Muslim thinking on this issue is to read The Hamas Charter. Article Eleven of The Hamas Charter explains why colonization of lands by Muslims is morally different from colonization by non-Muslims.

    In the early decades of Islam, during the colonizations of Syria and Palestine, The Caliph Umar and the companions of The Prophet decreed that all lands conquered by Muslims would become an Islamic Waqf, land consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. Conquered people would be permitted to remain and enjoy the fruits of the land (if they converted or paid the extra jizya taxes) but the land itself would forever more belong to Muslims and the Caliphate.

    In simple terms, the Muslim Brotherhood believes Muslims have a divine right to colonize non-Muslim lands. When Muslims colonize, it is the will of Allah. But when non-Muslims colonize, they are, by definition, oppressors committing gross injustice, contrary to the will of Allah. It’s that simple.

    This, it seems, is why the creation of Pakistan, which displaced 17 million Hindus is regarded as the greatest Muslim achievement of the 20th century, while the creation of Israeli is universally deemed a crime against humanity.

    Subsequent chapters of The Hamas Charter explain that it is the sacred duty of all Muslims to reject any form of compromise or negotiation in defending lands previously conquered by Muslims. At present, the primary focus of this movement is Israel. In the future, will other lands previously ruled by Muslims, such as southern Spain and Italy, be regarded as waqf?

    Here is a translation of Article Eleven of The Hamas Charter in entirety:


    Strategies of the Islamic Resistance Movement: Palestine Is Islamic Waqf.

    The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This being so, who could claim to have the right to represent Moslem generations till Judgement Day?

    This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement.

    It happened like this: When the leaders of the Islamic armies conquered Syria and Iraq, they sent to the Caliph of the Moslems, Umar bin-el-Khatab, asking for his advice concerning the conquered land – whether they should divide it among the soldiers, or leave it for its owners, or what? After consultations and discussions between the Caliph of the Moslems, Omar bin-el-Khatab and companions of the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, it was decided that the land should be left with its owners who could benefit by its fruit. As for the real ownership of the land and the land itself, it should be consecrated for Moslem generations till Judgement Day. Those who are on the land, are there only to benefit from its fruit. This Waqf remains as long as earth and heaven remain. Any procedure in contradiction to Islamic Sharia, where Palestine is concerned, is null and void.

    “Verily, this is a certain truth. Wherefore praise the name of thy Lord, the great Allah.” (The Inevitable – verse 95).

    A complete translation of The Hamas Charter can be read at :


  5. When will some courageous scholar consider the possibility that the existence of Israel is
    Divine Retribution for the pain and suffering inflicted upon 7 million Hindus
    because Muslims refused to coexist and selfishly demanded their own state?


  6. DD, I assume you’re humanity would agree with me that any people that steal water, burn olive trees and kill livestock, destroy houses and basic infrastructure, steal land, imprison, maim, torture, humiliate and finally murder through daily shootings, targeted killings and bombing from the safety of a fighter jets and drones -the fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, babies and grandparents, abled bodied and disabled -who being the route of creating instability across the whole region and forcing people to live under constant fear and attack, instigating a genocide and a middle east holocaust; should, just like Europe dealt with Hitler and his Nazi Germany, be dismantled and obliterated so that the world can once again reclaim their humanity and live in peace, security and prosperity.

    People of conscious should stand against this terror regime and the IDTF (Israel’s Terror Force) whose sole purpose is to shed terror in the hearts of people so they can steal more land and expand their project of exterminating anyone who does not fit their profile of a “human being”.

    This reminds very much of the Nazi charter and the South Africa Apartheid… as Mandela said “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians” (1997)

    The mechanisms by which this terror machine functions should be dismantled and destroyed and those who operate brought to account for their actions and made an example in such a way that the world and future generations will remember that the humanity of men/women will not tolerate this or any type of such terror… “lest we forget”.

  7. What happended in Gaza in this moment demonstrate that we need as musulman communote to understand our lack in term of science and technical skills

  8. Both Hamas and Israel are to be equally condemned , death of an innocent israeli is as bad as a death of any innocent Gazan because they are human beings first .period

  9. Two months ago, Palestinians were hopeful when rivals Hamas and Fatah announced the creation of a national unity government. Twelve days ago, Hamas began shooting missiles into Israel. What lies behind Hamas’ decision to return to violence?

    The June kidnappings and murders exacerbated tensions when the Palestinian Authority’s security forces aided Israeli forces in clamping down on Hamas in the West Bank. Ismail Haniya, Hamas Prime Minister in Gaza, declared the beginning of “The Third Intifada”. Hamas initiated its rocket attacks as an act of solidarity with West Bank protests, demanding the release of those arrested.

    Motivation: Hamas seeks to undermine Fatah and re-establish itself as the true champion of Palestinian unity so that it can escape blame for failing peace negotiations.

    The international community set three conditions on the Palestinian Authority for engagement in peace negotiations: Recognition of Israel, abiding by previous diplomatic agreements, and renunciation of violence. Hamas formally agreed to these terms, but under constant pressure from Islamic militants within The Muslim Brotherhood who accused it of selling out to Israel, has steadfastly refused to amend its 1988 Hamas Covenant.

    The Hamas Covenant proclaims that its sacred duty is to regain control of all lands previously ruled by Muslims. It is because of Hamas’ refusal to scrap the 1988 Covenant that Israel has refused to negotiate with any Palestinian Authority which includes Hamas.

    The ummah must unite in rejecting The Hamas Covenant.

    Asalaamalaikum wa ramatullah wa barakatuh.


  10. The Israeli government says that burning a teenager is the work of “extremists” and not part of his “ethics” … Indeed, his “ethics” is to bomb civilians and destroy them by tens, hundreds, and in the recent past by the thousands. It is much more “noble”!
    The Recent past by thousands become now the truth for today
    The current death tolls stand at over 1,200 killed in Gaza, overwhelmingly civilians, more than 6000 injured
    Israel still killing children’s and women’s
    New nazis it’s Israel now

    And the international community has “obviously” understood it is the right of Israel to defend themselves against rockets that their technology allows them to destroy and / or divert flight. Shame on you Israel


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