Dr Norman D. Finkelstein


2 Commentaires

  1. Dr Finkelstein is the Author of ” the holocaust industry: reflections on the exploitation of the Jewish suffering” in which he shed light on how the Zionist propaganda used and abused history in order to apologize for the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians. He also authored “This time we went too far, truth & consequences of the Gaza invasion” in which he investigated the 2008 Israeli assault on Gaza.

    He is one of the most ardent critics of the Israeli policies and US pro-Israeli policies and he has been academically intimidated for his opinion. He has been banned from entering Israel for ten years allegedly because he is a “security risk”. An editorial in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reads: “Considering his unusual and extremely critical views, one cannot avoid the suspicion that refusing to allow him to enter Israel was a punishment rather than a precaution”.
    Very little attention is accorded to this brave and prominent Scholar in the Arab media and academic circles which is really a shame.


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