Banning the Burqa


Debate on SBS an Australian TV on the program “Insight “




5 Commentaires

  1. That was a very beatiful and constructive debate…
    _ Now, after the muslims women are involving more and more in the society, those people are trying to get them back to the ghettos by banning them from wearing the Burqua…

    _ And the other one who were saying that: Men are imposing the burqua to those women and are covering that by saying: it’s her choice
    _ ==> This aregument is simply ridicilus, it seems that she doesnt want to hear that someone wear it because of their spiritual journey, she definately wants them to oppressed.
    _ And the french guy who were saying: We are banning it because of the dignity of the woman and gender equality ==> Since when the equality is used to restrict the liberty of free choices.
    _Those people need to be reminded that this law is totally opposed to the universal human rights.
    _ ==> there was a lot of fun in this show ==> A very good one,

  2. And again muslimwomen are instrumentalized to agitate against islam! This debate is so revealing about how much false arguments are used to veil the truth: muslimwomen are being presented as a victim (of muslimmen…) to be saved (by non-muslimmen…) AND an agressor (they were practically called criminals) in one sentence! The french man spoke a lot of nonsense, but at least he was honest when he said he just didn’t like it. But I don’t remember taste being a reason to forbid any type of clothing or look. Not as long as people can walk around practically naked or with their hair painted purple…

    I would never make the choice these women made, but if it is their choice I guess it is to be respected.


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