Juste Cause


The organization " Juste Cause" was created in order to provide legal and economic support to Muslims facing discrimination so they can fully defend their rights.  They have a mandate of providing financial support towards a variety of diverse causes committed to justice.  


Many cases have thus been used through this channel in covering expenses for legal issues.   One case in point is against the City of Rotterdam and the University of Erasmus in response to the unjust firing of Professor Tariq Ramadan one year ago.   


Today, a campaign is  launched to raise close to 50,000 euros.   This is the amount needed in the next few weeks to cover legal expenses. We therefore requesting your participation, however small it is, either by cheque or through secure channels via the internet.


Banking Domiciliation : BPN-AG Roubaix- 00106

Iban : FR76 1350 7001 0630 0126 2193 201

Bank Code : 13507
Sort Code : 00106
Account Number 30012621932
Bank Key : 01

Please write your check to the order of "juste Cause"
Association juste cause

24 place de la liberté

59100 ROUBAIX – France

3 Commentaires

  1. Video

    -[Ramadan Tariq – Juste Cause : Support to legal proceedings->http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xf8grp_ramadan-tariq-juste-cause-support-t_webcam]

  2. VIDEO

    [Ramadan Tariq – Juste Cause : Support to legal proceedings->http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xf8pzm_ramadan-tariq-juste-cause-support-t_webcam]


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