Waiting for the “Israeli Spring”


From around the world, women and men supporting Palestinian rights have been preparing to embark on a symbolic expedition. In the name of humanitarian ideals, they were taking direct political action: an international flotilla was to head towards Gaza (where the people are still suffering under the most adverse conditions because of the Israeli blockade) to express international solidarity with the Palestinians. The Israeli government, from the Foreign Ministry to Mossad and the secret intelligence services, tried its utmost to stop the boats by pressuring the Greek government, sabotaging some of the vessels and launching a media campaign that accused the non-violent activists of being extremists and radicals. To a large extent, and in the short run, it has been successful: only a few boats of what should have been a large and peaceful flotilla remain operational; the Greek government, because of its new relationship with Israel, folded under pressure and prevented the boats from sailing.

One year after the killing of nine non-violent (mainly Turkish) activists in international waters, the Israeli government wants to avoid the shame but is still not prepared to heed the international cry for justice. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not want to lose his dignity because of potentially damaging media coverage, but he is not afraid of carrying out inhuman policies against the people of Gaza. Once more, the “international community” remains silent. More than two years after the massacre of more than 1200 civilians in Gaza, one year after the attack against unarmed civilians on the Freedom Flotilla, and while we are witnessing the ongoing colonization of the Occupied Territories, the International Community remains paralyzed. We celebrated the so-called “Arab Spring” while turning a blind eye to the intolerable plight of the Palestinians. For more than 60 years they have been offered fine words—but no justice. And so it goes: Israel remains the same: deaf and obdurate. Can we look forward to an “Israeli spring” to celebrate?

The Palestinians were advised to stop their armed resistance in order to get the support of the West. They were told to implement internally a democratic process and to accept the preconditions of the so-called peace process. They have been invited to talk and to talk, again and again: they were promised “peace,” for the fifth time, by 2005. Six years later, their situation is worse than they could ever have dreamed of. Divided, partly because the international community did not accept the people’s choice in the “first free elections in the Occupied Territories”, they have neither an independent State nor any hope of improvement. Israel is pushing ahead with its silent expansion: slowly, surely, knowingly, strategically.

Nothing, apparently, has changed except the Palestinian strategy. They know it is going to be a long process. In the light of the Arab uprisings, they are assessing the potential power of non-violent resistance. But it would be nearly impossible for them to launch an effective mass protest due to geographical and political realities. The situation in Gaza is desperate; the West Bank is starting to suffocate as well. But the Palestinians still resist with dignity and courage; they will not give up. We must pay tribute to their justified and legitimate resistance and call on the Israeli government to cease its oppressive policies and to listen. Meanwhile, the United States utter timid words while the European countries simply follow.

The global movement of non-violent resistance to Israel is gaining ground. The international flotilla was part of this strategy: peaceful activists were going to raise awareness around the world through the symbolic act of bringing supplies to the Palestinians and breaking the immoral blockade of Gaza. At the same time, they are promoting the call to boycott Israeli products, to disinvest from Israeli economic interests and to sanction Israeli policy. It is a non-violent, pacifist and worldwide movement that must build up more and more momentum. The only hope is, though international pressure, to impose on Israel a “domestic spring” of its own.

It is appalling to see Western countries folding under Israeli pressure and blocking legal and non-violent action against Israeli oppression of the Palestinians. The future seems dark and nobody can predict what is going to happen in the Middle East. The only certitude is that the Palestinians will not give up and will eventually get their rights. While some may ask, “what if non-violent resistance does not work?” our response should be: there is only one right decision in history and that is to resist oppression and colonization. The Palestinians know better than anyone else what are the means at their disposal. And as for us, we know the instruments of our international resistance: to speak out, to break the isolation of the Palestinians and to boycott Israeli products. It is a historical and essential struggle for the region—and for the world as well.

But there can be no doubt: soon spring will come.

4 Commentaires

  1. Vous savez Monsieur, le désespoir palestinien fait mal et bien que j’en sois pas un, parfois je veux en être un, car c’est un peuple de courage, un exemple pour toute l’humanité. S ‘il y a Monsieur un peuple sur terre, auquel on devrait attribuer la noblesse du courage face à la barbarie, ça serait selon moi d’abord les palestiniens et l’Histoire ne peut le dénier. Vous imaginez, depuis le début de la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (1945), ce peuple résiste avec le seul moyen de bord: la pierre. Aujourd’hui ça devrait faire environs 63 ans de résistance et Machaalah, avec toujours cette dose de courage présente d’affronter à corps l’ennemi israélien.Et ce dernier ayant simplement la lâcheté de faire des catastrophes et de se refugier derrières sa technologie et derrière le silence de tous ces soi-disant démocraties eurpéennes et américaine. Je n’ose mettre des majuscules à “eurpéennes et américaine”, lorsqu’il s’agit des cas palestiniens. En réalité, les démocraties capables de se tair sur l’inégalité, sont des hypocrisies. Et que j’admire cette phrase de Malcom X “we never seen democracy, all we’ve seen is hypocrisy”. Vous savez aussi, à Paris, ils ont arrêté environs 150 personnes hier, parce qu’ils manifestaient contre les détenus de la flotille, qui devait aller en Palestine. 150 personnes qui manifestaient calmement et scandaient la lâcheté de certains hommes et finalement arrêtés sous prétexte de n’avoir pas déclarer leur rassemblement. C’est dire à quel point, ils ont peur du gouvernement Israélien et c’est dire à quel point ils sont leur partisans ( le gouvernement bien-sûr). En guise de conclusion, n’oubliez pas de demander l’aide pour ces gens, de demander qu’Il apaise leur souffrance aprés tant d’années de résistance, et Il peut le faire car il est le Tout Puissant, beaucoup plus que tout gouvernement.

  2. Asalam alaykoum wa rahmatoullah,

    Suite aux agissements du gouvernement Israélien à l’encontre des militants de la mission de Juillet 2011 “Bienvenue en Palestine” en faveur d’une Palestine libre,
    je vous invite tous et toutes à consulter les sites suivants afin de rendre compte
    de la situation et de l’ampleur du blocus israélien sur le plan international



    Que Allah ta’ala vienne en aide à nos frères de Palestine et à tous les opprimés à travers le monde. Amin.


    • salem aylikoum ,

      C’est bien “une lutte historique” qu’on essaie d’étouffer depuis trop longtemps ,c’était inéluctable , trop d’acharnement sur ce conflit alors que tout est clair … Allah qui sait ce qui est caché et ce qu’on essaie de nous cacher nous a mis sur la voie de la résistance et de la vérité .
      Espérons que notre voeux de paix se réalise encore une fois malgré les fuites de certains “pseudo-musulmans de palier” opportunistes et tres fébriles ….
      La puissance ne vient que d’Allah !

      Salem .


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