Freedom of Conscience and of Speech – (Live 19 January 2014)


2 Commentaires

  1. i live in Canada and dont see many rational muslims in fact most are radical and if i speak about quran and God like any rational muslim would i am looked down upon .that i am ready to take as it is painful to see God maligned ,we need a huge revolution in muslim minds to undo the violence (physical and otherwise) simmering within us ,it is good to talk of freedom of any sort amongst muslims but i struggle to find it even among friends family leave alone the big bad world of general muslim population mostly men sorry to say.ideally we need the religious scholars to have more structured education and authority but there also with so many sects and schools of thought it seems impossible but we need to start and we need educated people like philosphers scientists sociologists democrats even feminists etc to be involved in this process if we can achive modernity(freedom) within islamic framework,,Infact it starts at home with your women if you give women freedom to be a human and what follows i know we have a chance but right now women are brutalised (and i dont mean the usual physical and sexual one) so i am distressed what a very few can do. Best of luck to you and all like you , i am no scholar so i dont have the burden of people but if i can achieve my own muslim nirvaana i would be happy.

  2. ASA may Allaah ta’ala continue to bless and reward Ur efforts during this time when Muslims have lost their best consciousness, rememberance, deeds, compassion and the example we need to propagate this Deen. Insha’llah Ur message becomes more Widely known, it’s saturation more pervading and reaching more. U are an example and may Allaah ta’ala continue HIS light and BARAKAH upon U and Ur sharing, insha’llah …..Ameen


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