ABIM – The Qur’anic Concept of Jihad and How do We Rise above its Misinterpretation” [01/02/2015]


5 Commentaires

  1. Brother Tariq, I appreciate your peaceful message but surly you know there are over 100 places in the Qur’an alone that call for fighting, which means killing. The Sunnah contains many more such directives and examples to kill the unbelievers.

    Can you please tell me how so many incitements to violence can come from the texts, yet the religion based on these texts is to be considered peaceful?

    Quran 17:16, Quran 18:65-81, Quran 2:191-193, Quran 2:216, Quran 2:244, Quran 21:44, Quran 25:52, Quran 3:151, Quran 3:56, Quran 33:60-62, Quran 4:104, Quran 4:74, Quran 4:76, Quran 4:89, Quran 4:95, Quran 47:3-4, Quran 47:35, Quran 48:17, Quran 48:29, Quran 5:33, Quran 61:10-12, Quran 61:4, Quran 66:9, Quran 8:12, Quran 8:15, Quran 8:39, Quran 8:57, Quran 8:59-60, Quran 8:65, Quran 8:67, Quran 9:111, Quran 9:123, Quran 9:14, Quran 9:20, Quran 9:29, Quran 9:30, Quran 9:38-39, Quran 9:41, Quran 9:5, Quran 9:73, Quran 9:88

    Abu Dawud 14:2526, Abu Dawud 14:2527, Bukhari 1:35 , Bukhari 11:626, Bukhari 52:177, Bukhari 52:220, Bukhari 52:256, Bukhari 52:65, Bukhari 52:73, Bukhari 8:387, Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 484, Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 990, Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 992, Muslim 1:149, Muslim 1:30, Muslim 1:33, Muslim 19:4294, Muslim 19:4321-4323, Muslim 20:4645, Muslim 20:4696, Tabari 17:187 , Tabari 7:97 , Tabari 9:69

    • stardusty,

      Jihad in Islam or fighting is considered a form of worship and getting closer to God and that is why you find so many verses in the Quran and sayings of our prophet encouraging people to join and help the moujahideen. However, fighting or jihad is only authorized as last resort to defend Muslims from an imminent threat or to stop an attack of a foreign enemy. Very simple and very logic ,similar to what the founding fathers of the United States have in the constitution when they talked about the declaration of war. Finally, I want you to read these verses carefully and put them in their contexts, so you understand the meaning of jihad very clearly.

  2. Tramamdan u in this avatar are a real ambassador for God whatever ur religion may be , u make God lovable again but if Islam is all what u say many principles like dawah become irrelevant it being based on indignity of other beliefs .The Islamic principles u explained are universal human principles and not islamic only.U mentioned women and acknowleded curret oppression of women in islamic world but does this not emanate from our sources ? eg in way of property and womens testimony

    The main reason why muslims are not able to know many principles of Islam as u potray (i pray u r right) is the way arabic is thrust on nonarabs as Gods language ,it is impossible to stick to reading quran in arabic and achieve anything when u r a nonarb ,consider the prayer u just cannot achieve any spirituality repeating words in an unknown language

  3. Hi All,

    The truth is that seekers of peace will always seek peace and the seekers of hatred will seek hatred. But truth doesn’t change. Islam is a peaceful religion.

    Some sections of media cherry pick verses from Quran and allege that it incites the Muslims to Violence. But when these verses are properly analyzed we find that they actually aim at universal peace. The following well thought articles explain logically few of the most alleged verses in support of violence and reveal how much they are misunderstood.




  4. @stardusty – thank you for listing out the verses which are of a concern to you.

    I have provided explanation to many of the verses that you have listed and proved that they absolutely in no way incite unjust violence. you can find them here. God willing I will provide explanations to remaining verses as well.


    PS – the previous comment’s links of prophetrejectors.wordpress.com are also mine. I just moved to a new website.


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