Islam and Applied Ethics
Publisher: Springer
Editors: Rafik Beekun, Tariq Ramadan and Yasir Qadhi
Brief Description
Much has been published about Islam and ethics. Often, however, such books or articles have focused on the abstract and philosophical rather than the applied. Concurrently, a deep divide has occurred between what Islam asks of its adherents and what many of them abide by and apply in terms of ethics. For example, Muslims represents 23% of the world population (Pew Research Center, 2013), but only one Muslim-majority country ranks among the top 25 most ethical countries in the world, and 5 out of the ten most corrupt countries in the world are in fact Muslim-majority countries (Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, 2015). As a result of the above gaps in the application of Islamic ethics, several prominent Muslim thinkers (e.g. Taha Jabir Al Alwani, Tariq Ramadan) have been advocating for a fresh reading of the earliest and most important Islamic sources including both the Qur’an and the Seerah of the Prophet (s). That re-reading should also contextualize some of the verses in the Qur’an itself as well as the teachings and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, and should occur in parallel with a “reading” of the world around us.
The aim of this book, then, is to synthesize and advance both theoretical and empirical research about applied Islamic ethics within various disciplines such as business (e.g. economics, finance, marketing, accounting, and human resource development), the sciences (physical, social, life, etc.), media, the law, politics, and environmental ecology. In their emphasis on “wasatiyya” or balance, the key primary sources of Islamic teachings, the Qur’an and the Sunnah weave core ethical principles such as ‘adl (balance), qist (justice), amana (trust) and ihsan (benevolence) within Islamic ethics. This book will therefore provide a broad base for theory development while emphasizing practical approaches towards key fields of knowledge within the context of Islamic ethics.
Possible topics
Ideally, chapters should focus on how Islamic ethics relates to key contemporary issues facing Muslims in areas listed below. The following list provides possible areas to be covered from an applied perspective. This is a suggestive, not a final list. We welcome alternate suggestions and chapter topics that fit within the primary theme of this book.
• Islamic ethics in the workplace
• Islamic Ethics and Total Quality Management
• Islamic identity and ethical subjectivity in the workplace
• Impact of Islamic ethics on business (e.g. management, finance, marketing, accounting, etc.)
• Islamic ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
• Islamic ethics and globalization
• Relationship between Islamic ethics and Environmental Ecology
• Medical Ethics from an Islamic Perspective
• The Law and Islamic Ethics
• Governance and Islamic Ethics
• Islamic ethics and economics
• Islamic ethics and risk taking, financial investment or mergers and acquisitions
• Islamic ethics and entrepreneurship or innovation
• Islamic Ethics and Human Rights
• Islamic ethics and politics
Timeline / Deadline
• Submit book chapter: February 28, 2017
• Notification of preliminary acceptance of chapter: April 15, 2017
• Submission of revised chapter: June 15, 2017
• Revision and resubmission(s): August 15 2017
• Final manuscript sent to Springer: December 15, 2017
Target Audience
The target audience is broad and interdisciplinary. Identified target audiences are:
1.Academics and researchers in multiple research and applied fields such as all areas of business, Psychology, Medicine, Law, Sociology, Media, etc where this book contributes significantly to research and practice with respect how Islamic ethics applies to their field.
2.Universities where this book provides a core or supplementary reading for courses related to ethics, religion or Islam.
3.Professionals where this book provides new insights and practical tools how to apply Islamic ethics within their profession;
4.Global companies/multinationals where this book provides a new understanding and practical frameworks connecting Islamic ethics to their areas of work or interest.
Submission Process
Manuscripts must be submitted by February 28, 2017 at the latest to be considered. All submissions will go through a double blind review process. Depending on their specialty, authors will be asked to participate in the review process. All submissions will be reviewed also as a cohort for this edited book.
• Preference will be given to submissions that are original, have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere.
• A submission should be original and neither have been published nor under publication consideration elsewhere.
• Submit your work in word format (not PDF or any other format)
• Please follow the format and referencing style provided by the publisher. Click on the link below to download Springer’s manuscript preparation instructions in pdf format. Please pay special attention to sections 4.2, and 4.7 in the instructions booklet:
• Each chapter should be between 5,000 to 8,000 words including figures, tables, references
• Please submit your manuscript by using the online submission system for this book. Please use the following link to create an account and submit your book:
If you don’t get a confirmation e-mail within 48 hours after submitting your chapter, please contact the book editor. For further information please contact the book editors at the email addresses listed below, and make sure to state “Islam and Applied Ethics” in your email header.
Founded in 1842, Springer is a global publisher of academic books and journals in multiple fields. With more than 200 Nobel Prize winners among the authors of its books and journal articles, With roughly 2, 200 English-language journals and more than 8,400 books being published yearly, Springer is one the world’s foremost STM publishers.
More information on their website
Rafik Beekun, Ph.D.
Professor of Management, Ethics and Strategy,
Co-Director, Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics,
Managerial Sciences Department, Mail stop 28
University of Nevada
Reno, NV 89557
Office: +01 (775) 682-9161
Tariq Ramadan, Ph.D
HH Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies,
Research Fellow of St Antony’s College,
St. Anthony’s College,
University of Oxford,
Pusey Lane
Oxford, OX1 2LE
Phone: +44 (0) 1865 278200
Yasir Qadhi, Ph.D
Adj. Assistant Professor
Dept. of Religious Studies,
Rhodes College, Memphis, TN.
Phone: (832) 455 5189
as salaam alaikum
I am a convert to Islam from India. I feel sad that Sunni Muslims follow a 2.5% zakat norm, whereas there is need of much more. Most of scholars of Sunni Islam agree to this comfortable low amount. Zakat amount should not be fixed based on some old rule made at a certain point in time. There is a need for setting up councils that would decide the amount of charity, based on needs of poor muslims in that area.
I know some other communities who are doing 10% charity, then why Muslims follow such low amount ?