ABC – Changing Osama stories ‘bizarre’: Ramadan


Professor Ramadan of Oxford University says the US killing of Osama bin Laden is being perceived in the Muslim world as a PR exercise.05/05/2011

6 Commentaires

  1. The killing of Osama is indeed very strange as it is coming when Barack Obama needs some help to be reelected.
    Then, we can find it very strange that Bin laden dies now as his family assisted to his burial 10 years ago. Indeed, he was very sik and weak 10 years ago and the circumstances of his pretended death in pakistan is just a lie analysed by Mr Messian, the Journalist of Voltaire net.
    I think that The US are today getting help from al qaida in lybia and Syria and they needed to end the myth of bin laden as well.
    The Ex Us president Mr Eisenhower warned the US assembly back in the 60’S that putting in place a military complex would endanger the democracy. He was right and it was not only in the US but as well in the entire world.
    Today, the democray has made way to imperialsm. This is why those that we elect in Europe and in the US lie to us and try to manipulate us just like this another lie with osama.

  2. as-salam 3aleikoum

    I knew that a brilliant thinker like you couldn’t believe in the official version of 9/11.
    We’re tired of TV and their political correctness. I grew up with my television on all the time.
    One of its main purposes is to brainwash us. I can see now Tariq that you’re saying what you really think and people need that, they are craving for that. They need men who are not afraid of being labeled conspirationist if what they’ve been told is totally against logic.
    Truth is above pressures. The world of TV is lies upon lies upon lies. Your brothers and sisters love you. They are the people that count.
    Thank you for resisting.

    as-salam 3aleikoum

  3. Thank you for openly discussing the events of 1 May 2011, and for highlighting the Nuremburgh trials and what is true justice. Some of us who live in the US have used the same aguments with those who are joyful at the assassination of Osama bin Laden, mostly to no avail. There is a reason that the Qur’an clearly and unequivocably tells us to ‘Kill not except for just cause’. The way in which Bin Laden was killed was not justice, and now that the picture of what happend on that fateful day/night there is no justification for the killing of 4 unarmed people, one a woman, and for terrorizing at least nine children and 2-3 other women who were in that place. As justice has neither been done or served, the myth of bin Laden will go on: for some he will remain the ultimate monster and for others the martyr. Worse, no one will ever have information which will give us a transparent scenario of not only the evnts of May 1st, but of his methods and thought. No one can or should appoint himself/herself sherif, judge, jury and exercutioner. And even the worst of criminals has the right to face his/her accusers and to defend himself/herself, even when the accused has no defense.

  4. Very clear. Mais apparemment, l’espace anglophone est plus propice aux questionnements que l’espace francophone.

    Il est pénible de se voir, dès que l’on pose la moindre question, accusé de se voir qualifié de partisan des théories complotistes. Des esprits aussi excellents qu’Alain Gresh ou François Burgat ne peuvent semble-t-il faire autre chose que de commenter la nouvelle de la mort de Ben Laden, sans se risquer au questionnement.

    Quand dans un pays, les représentations sont telles que l’on est disqualifié pour avoir posé la moindre question, c’est que la liberté de pensée est gravement atteinte. Et donc la démocratie.



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