About Paris


12 Commentaires

  1. Dear Tariq,

    Good Points and well spoken.

    Peace can only be achieved by peaceful means. They are spelled equality, equity, justice, welfare for all.

    We now see finance, military, politicians start a new round of war against poor peoples that cannot defend themselves. The US military empire is likely to have another president following the footsteps of George W. Bush and Barak Obama. Her name is likely to be Hillary Clinton, “Queen of Chaos” a person without moral spine, a war hawk.

    Now the US allies in Europe are also on their way parting from the trajectory of the US. Maybe, this could lead to a new Helsinki Conference for peace, common security, and disarmament in Europe, and separately, also a Conference for West Asia?

    Best regards, Björn Lindgren

  2. Thank you, Tariq Ramadan, for speaking up for the battered and oppressed Muslims–unlike so many other Muslim intellectuals and organizations (e.g. ISNA) that are afraid to contradict western policies in the Middle East.

  3. IM a christian and i have never had any problem with accepting other religions but i do have a problem with the wrong that has been done by christian world cos its the religion and the culture i was born into and support. I don’t know anything and more i try to make sense more i see it has to be a game..and the rules we made to deal with things are for nothing..Why?
    Why do we stand as civilised nation when all we do is totally lacking any sense…where are the rules and laws we have, where are the human rights we say we have and respect…all is just making people and ourselves believe in what we say and write..but nothing is proved in action.
    People in france say : how do we tell our children who ask what ‘s going on?
    Yes How do we explain to those whose thinking is not yet too much manipulated?
    Children may ask complicated questions like why is this happening.?.why are they so angry to want to kill us? All we can do is to lie to them and they see that and they learn from us to do the same. We say these people are bad but then a child thinks, why do WE kill then? All we teach to our children we prove the opposite by our actions. So children grow up confused and become the future actors of this game.
    So all is based on a lie and he who tells the truth is not wanted amongst us..like Sokrates, Jesus, Martin Luther King etc etc Its very dangerous to think with your own brain.
    But we are not worried about this lie..because its a rule of this game ! In this life we have “professionals” to take care of “difficult” things…they deal by the rule they are given to deal with and once we too learn that rule we don’t have to worry about being bad or doing bad. These professionals have medecin for that condition, its called tranquillizer its calms you up when you have done something bad. And they can give you a bigger dose to cover bigger bad. Also it covers such feelings as sorrow and sadness… they are not very useful to human thinking either. In fact nothing is very useful to human thinking what comes to so called “negative things” in life because they too much remind us about our natural state of humanity. Humans want to enjoy and have pleasurable life instead of thinking too much and taking too much responsabilite of his actions.
    This all means we are incapable to look at ourselves and that is dangerous!
    That all clearly means this IS a big game that we are fooled to believe in, instead of thinking with our own brain, why, because it is an insult to human intelligence to expect one to think otherwise!
    My faith or position as human is not proven in being against and descriminating some other human being and his different belief, it’s strenghtened by respecting and loving him.

    Thank you Mr Ramadan for being the one to make some sense for a all this ..around.

  4. Disappointing and sad ! at a time when truth needs to be faced so muslim children do not die dying for ISIS and an imaginary bloodthirsty GOD Dr Ramadan this is not what is expected from u

  5. Wonderful speech by Tariq Ramadan . Glad that he and we also could Hold Accountable those World Leaders for their Atrocities and the Miseries caused to the INNOCENT PEOPLE OF THE MIDDLE EAST.
    Nas Burt

  6. Did Western foreign policy or society drive them to rape, enslave and kill the Yazidis, throw gays from buildings, stone women, kill apostates, or lead them to think that they are martyrs who will have paradise? Or did they get these ideas from Quran, from which they can justify these things??

    • They got these “ideas” from their leader. Sounds crazy? As easy/clear as it is. Do you think Hitler’s army got all the Nazi ideas from a holy book? If not (and surely you don’t), then why do you think Quran has any thing to do with atrocities done by fool/violent/amoral people?
      Why do you try to find any explanation to foolish things inside the Quran?
      If you think any of these crimes come from Quran, then, please, go ahead, read the Quran, and cite the Sourat/Aaya that says you should be a criminal.
      One little small tiny remark, still: even politicians who you’ve elected, those people you trust, usually “justify” their actions by wrong justifications (e.g. JW Bush: to attack Irak, he argued Saddam had massive destruction weapons, which he knew was basically wrong). Why can not the leaders of extremists do the same? Do you trust these extremists leaders more than your own politicians?
      When extremists (<1% of all muslim word) say something about Quran, think that is has 99% chance to be false.

  7. Hello Mr. Ramadan,

    what do you think about the agreement that Obama made with Iran? isn’t that a first step of a change of strategy in the region? Don’t Saudi Arabia and Israel as allies of the American feel threatened by this strategy?

  8. To bouchra
    There are many parallels between them and Hitler and his army, yes, but also a big difference. They think they will have PARADISE for being a martyr ( Quran 4:74, Quran 9:111, Quran 2:207, From the Hadith, Bukhari 52:54 ) They are RELIGIOUS.. They do not fear death, they welcome it because Quran says they will be rewarded in Paradise for martyrdom and therefore have inducement to do terrible acts.

    They learn of terrible acts in Quran ( Quran 8:12. From the Hadith, Muslim 16:4131, Ibn Ishaq 595 )
    Unbelievers and apostates are not innocents according to Quran and can be killed ( Quran 8:12, Quran 9:73, Quran 25:52, Quran 48:29. From the Hadith, Muslim 1:30)….( Quran 4:89, and from the Hadith, Bukhari 52:260 and 84:57)
    So YES they get these ideas from Quran.
    You choose to live by the peaceful passages but they do not. That is the problem?
    Muslim has fought Muslim for many centuries about differences in doctrine, praying etc (before the US was born)
    The West had their religious reformations/reforms many years ago. Before this time their religions too had people do terrible things in the name of their God and his holy word.

  9. Thank you brother Tariq from speaking from the heart. It was a joy to hear you speaking with passion and the truth. As I read the other responses that criticized you for your comments about America’s actions in the Levant, I realize that we, perhaps regrettably, have two hearts and not a single heart. As Muslims we condemn in the strongest terms these acts of violence in the name of Islam. As Arabs, our hearts break over the constant interference in our affairs by the United States and Europe. Our hearts break over the wanton killing in the region by the West. Brother Tariq appears hostile when he asks, “Aren’t the lives of Arabs just as equally valuable as the lives lost in Paris?”
    The core question is this: “How does a Muslim respond towards violence and aggression?”
    Our fathers have taught us the stories of this Western aggression. My grandfather, maybe like brother Tariq’s, taught me we were a great people prior to Western domination. We had a civilization when the West could barely walk upright. Now, the answer appears that a French life, an American life is truly worth more than an Arab life.
    Which heart will we use to respond?
    Perhaps I share this with brother Tariq, no matter how angry my Arab heart is, my Muslim heart counters with love, peace and a belief that Allah will provide the path of freedom not my own hands.
    I close with proof of that point. Look at what is happening in the United States today with all the violence and mass killings (99 percent of it non-Muslim action). The Western heart is infected with violence and hate and they are paying a price. They have rejected peace as a way of life so they are killing each other without any Muslim hand in play. But perhaps it is the hand of Allah only in the way that if you reject Allah then violent human hands plays.
    If we truly trust Allah, then we do not need to raise our human hand in turn to their violence.
    Which heart will we choose?


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