Al Jazeeera’s Riz Khan speaks to Tariq Ramadan about the face veil and Muslim integration


Al Jazeera’s Riz Khan Speaks to Tariq Ramadan With millions of Muslims living throughout Europe and North America has Islam become a Western religion?

Tariq Ramadan, a controversial Islamic writer and commentator, says Western Islam is a reality and argues that the faith includes a variety of interpretations and integrates into many cultures.

As one of the most sought-after Islamic commentators in the West today, Ramadan rejects the notion that Islam and the West must be at opposite ends.

He encourages Muslims to participate fully in the civic life of Western secular societies and urges Muslims to avoid living in religious ghettos.

But how can Islam and secular society truly co-exist as governments in Europe move to ban Islamic face-coverings or the construction of traditional minarets?

Despite Ramadan’s talk of Muslim integration, he himself was banned from entering the US for six years because of a contribution he made to a Hamas-linked charity.

His opponents claim he is an extremist in sheep’s clothing whose real mission is to advance a Muslim agenda in Europe.

On Tuesday’s Riz Khan we speak with Tariq Ramadan and ask: How can the growing gap between Western Muslims and secular society be bridged?

You can join the conversation. Call in with your questions and comments on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 1630GMT and see the show again at 2130GMT and the next day at 0230GMT and 1130GMT.

SOURCE : Al Jazeera

2 Commentaires

  1. Assalamouaalaykoum,

    “à Vous, ces mots du silence…”

    Je vous vois, je vous regarde et je vous écoute, et à chaque fois, je me dis que je suis fière d’être une citoyenne musulmane grâce à la réflexion que vous apportez concernant la situation des musulmans dans le monde.

    Vous avez raison: for me,wearing a headscarf is a great and deep spiritual message.

    Qu’Allah aazzawajall vous accompagne, vous donne la santé et la force pour continuer à apporter la bonne parole inshaallah et qu’il emplisse les coeurs de Sa Lumière.


  2. There comes a point that we must go beyond the opressed muslim woman image. You know, labels are dangerous for the people they are put on. They have a psychological impact.

    You know that educated Moroccan women in NL are already more careerminded, and marrying and having children later than Dutch women?

    Forget the ‘opressed muslima’, say hello to the ‘muslima yup’ (which by the way has her own problems but that’s another that doesn’t fit the usual story).


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