To some journalists who did not so much like collective prostrations by the Algerian soccer players, I said that we should let people express their beliefs as they want, like with those players making the sign of the cross when entering on the pitch. The Algeria coach Vahid Halilhodzic, with his brilliant frankness, was even clearer by threatening to leave a press conference if he would be asked again about revealing if his players were fasting or not, for it was a personal decision, a decision of consciousness and body . Amazing … when the practice is visible, it is always too visible and when it is invisible, it is too invisible and suspect.

Then there was this last collective decision of the Algerian team deciding to give their match bonus to the people of Gaza who live in open-air prison. “They need it more than us,” say the players. This team is out of the Mundial 2014, with honors, and they go home with dignity and class. Respect. That is what we would like the media to cover. For two reasons: first, to highlight the human dignity of the team and then to remind the world of the undignified and inhuman treatment to which is subjected the civilian population of Gaza.

Instead of interest with an unhealthy curiosity about the religious practices of individuals, it would be more accurate to emphasize the humanistic consciousness of the Algerian players who do not forget, while they “play” football, that in Palestine innocent people are being killed without playing.

You have my respect and my prayers, in clear and visible way. You gave us great lessons, a sports one as well as a spirituals and morals one.

2 Commentaires

  1. Algerian football team was a big surprise on this championship.
    Muslim majority countries need more teams like this, for purpose promoting themselves.
    I really enjoyed wathching it.

  2. Excellent evaluation by the Professor!
    Permit me to add this relevant leaf from “The Book of My Personal Investigations” –

    “• Modern Masters of Mankind:
    Contemporary human situation and the righteous indignation;
    The hassle is heading to tussle, nay dangerous loss of self-control.
    Visibly, humanity is at the crossroads!

    What matters most in human society and why?
    What went wrong and where?

    Society over saturated with antagonistic ideologies –
    Superiority is through deeds, the primitive idea;
    Sacredness through might, the prevailing notion.
    Alas! No love for Truth.

    O my special: Go to the roots, and identify your role;
    In the service of human life, the ultimate bliss belongs;
    By the all reliable historical test!

    Governments worldwide, guilds of goons and for goons;
    Under the hubris of good governance –
    Clear paths for Private Powers Houses to plunder people en masse,
    Their sole goal!

    Education system serving status quo,
    Enlightenment sacked from its scheme;
    This role reversal spreading elite supremacy, nay igniting conflagration.

    Before it is too late,
    Before tragic end becomes inevitable,
    Seek better understanding of humanity –
    Being human and basis of human association!
    Visibly, humanity is at the crossroads!

    Rummaging through reliable records reveal –
    Rampant plotting of the power houses;
    Like it or not, we need to launch resistance movement,
    To exercise conscientious objection,
    To eliminate guilty silence;
    And what we need to do –
    Invent new soft weaponry!
    Yeah we need to win over our common oppressor –
    The Private Power Houses, the Big Business Tycoons;
    Before their Media Partners, the Best Business Magnates,
    And Objective Observers, the Modern Masters of Mankind.

    Righteous reflections press for self-mastery first,
    Sine qua non for struggle;
    Struggle the sole solution to avert human tragedy;
    For struggle is true strength, can storm any power house,
    Nay save human family.

    Mairaj Mahmood Bhat


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