And Pope John Paul 2nd who has left…


“Do not be afraid!”

Of the thousand ways of receiving the announcement of a human being’s death, two naturally drive our hearts and our thoughts: to remember the man and to think of those who accompanied him and loved him.


Throughout his pontificate, The Pope has left his mark on the hearts and the consciences. One might not have shared his faith, his opinions or his positions, but one could not but recognize the strength that emanated from this man of faith, of conscience, of values and principles. He dared to affirm courageously the principles in which he believed and the requirement of faith and morality in the name of the consistency of the catholic message. Some have saluted this firmness, other have criticized it but all have recognized the bounty, the clemency, and love that emanated from this man, this Pope, serving God, his faith and humanity. He called for Justice, Peace and dialogue with a firm conviction and tender eyes. He had so often spoken of this love that should be learned and offered. We deeply salute his memory.


To those who accompanied him, to those who loved him, to all the Catholics of the World, we convey our deepest and most sincere condolences. We have seen them today, praying, meditating and crying. They are loosing a Father, a Guide, a Pope. Our spiritual communion is even deeper. We hear, from the heart of the Muslim faith, the profound echo of his Christian teaching. He repeated, at the heart of these symbolic days, “Do not be afraid!”


Facing your own weaknesses and your sins… Forgiveness is always possible. Do not be afraid…


Facing the oppressor who threats you and want to destroy you… the strength of faith is victory. Do not be afraid


Facing Death as it comes to you… the true Life is after life… Do not be afraid


Thus he was reminding us of the meaning of all the messages of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (Peace be upon all of them)… In the proximity of God, do not be afraid !


Do not be afraid, learn the strength of Love and Hope… Before leaving the Pope whispered his last word:  “Amen”, as we say “Amîn”, “So be it” for it is to God that we shall return. So be it, as the path of Hope that leads us to the Peace of God and that marries the tears of the End and the smiles of the Beginning.


To all the Catholics

Our warm thoughts



Tariq Ramadan


3 Commentaires

  1. Thank you for showing me a deeper perspective of Pope John II and I feel for him and my Catholic friends.

    Your article reminds me of many who seek to be close to God, and strive for mankind.

  2. as salaamu alaykum ustadh,
    that was beautiful.i ive been listening to your tapes and reading your books for the past years and i just wanted to say jazakAllah kheyr for your constantly inspiring words and messages. its really unfortunate how so many are constantly on your case and giving you a hard time. may Allah reward you and protect you.
    jazakAllah for everything.

  3. all the non muslims are wrong wrong wrong…and if they didn’t recongnize prophet Mohamed sallallaho 3alayhi wassalam, there’s no way that they will be accepted by Allah in his heavens. so what life after their death you are talking about?

    i’m a fervent fan of you, but i notice that you are sometimes obliged to please some western thinkers and by the way make huge concessions in your statements.
    islam is not a club to adhere to, so that we try to show it acceptable to everyone, even if that demands to go by some of its principles…
    it’s not a politic view so that we try to defend it with lots of dangerous litterature and give a shot to islam enemies to trample underfoot some of it’s basis…
    sincerly mohnd oyoussef from morroco
    (i’m ready to discuss any world that you would find non suitable.


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