Ariel Sharon: A Scary Shame


The media coverage related to the death of Ariel Sharon in the United States and France (especially but not only) is staggering. It seems as if a former Head of State of one of these two countries died. In addition, one salutes his memory as Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and François Hollande did.

Salute the memory of Ariel Sharon ? This warlord who killed so many innocent civilians, who was a direct accomplice during the massacres of Sabra and Shatila and staged the withdrawal of Gaza to continue his campaign of colonization, destruction of Palestinian homes, imprisonment and summary executions !

Salute the memory of a man whose only right fate should have been to be judged by the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity (in addition to aggravated complicity of torture, terrorism and ethnic cleansing) ?!

Salute the memory of such a man reveals the hypocrisy and cowardice of those, who few weeks ago, saluted Nelson Mandela’s memory, saying they were sharing his values and struggle for justice.

A scary shame

6 Commentaires

  1. Shame is not scary, it is essential reason to fuel with it the firmaments of hell. Don’t be scared of it Prof Ramadan, keep warning against it. Al-Salàm wa Rahmat’Allah wa Barakatuhu ya Sheikh.

  2. …and this: Wikipedia; “”Sharon was born on 26 February 1928 in Kfar Malal an agricultural moshav, then in the British Mandate of Palestine, to a family of Belarusian Jews—Shmuel Scheinerman (1896–1956) of Brest-Litovsk and Vera (née Schneirov) Scheinerman (1900–1988) of Mogilev…””. So Ariel Sharon is a Belarusian born to a jewish refugees in Palestine and who ended up terrorizing and persecuting the Palestinians from Palestine in the Middle-East, and getting an awarded ceremony of a hero in his funeral, with respect and tribute paid to him from all his other international evil friends such as Tony Blair, joe Biden and the rest of the infernal fuel. He also carried out numerous massacres in Lebanon including the Sabra & Shatila refugee camp massacre which was encircled by him and his troops who secured the entrance of the criminals who went in after midnight massacring hundreds of people (mostly children, babies and women) in sleep. Sharon and his foreign Zionist gangs also lit the night sky over the camp with light bombs so the killers can see in the dark. this is the world we’re living in. Be careful and open your conscience and mind, don’t support evil for money, you will lead your essence to hell.

  3. Sharon was the devil incarnate who mercilessly slaughtered so many defenceless refugees. For many years that he was artificially kept in a state of coma is no coincidence. Medically, he did not have any chance of surviving, so why was he kept in such a condition? Almighty God only has the answer. However, remember how HE kept Phareo’s drowning body as a witness for posterity. The zionist crimes against humanity are totally ignored by western leaders who still dance to the tune of Israeli gangsters. What can one say about the deafening silence of the Gulf potentates who are seen as partners in the crimes perpetrated by Israel. The writing is on the wall for the economic powerhouse shifting from west to east and that will start the downfall of western hypocritical devious leaders when the people start asking for justice and equality.

  4. Like you said, professor, this is a witness of the hypocrisy and the corruption of western political systems. Likewise, it demonstrates the manifestations of power of these systems and their prevalent ideologies: the europeans just like the Americans deactivate their reason when confronted with their discourse. What a curiously contradictory world ! A criminal by all standards is celebrated as a savior while the heros are scorned at!
    May Allah empower Muslims (or rather help us empower ourselves) not to retaliate but to show the world the real meaning of peace. AMEN
    By the way, I will be working on analysing your political and religious discourse on my MA research. May allah help me with it !

  5. salaam, The coverage in the UK was just as offensive. Media Lens did a very good analysis called ‘Ariel Sharon – War is Peace’; they covered Sharon’s massacres of POWs, the massacres of civilians by his Unit 101, the invasion of Lebanon and Israel’s own Kahan Commission report on his responsibility for the Sabra and Shatilla massacres.


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