“Be Productive this NewYear” By Shameela Yoosuf Ali


“All opinions are that of the author and not necessarily those of the website that it is published under.”

Be a Productive this New Year.

As the New Year blooms, new doors open and it is a great time to ponder about productivity. Here are some Guidelines to become productive people and be successful in the both the Worlds.

  1. Self Awareness

“He who purifies it and keeps it pure, he who cultivates [develops] it, and constantly prunes it, he has achieved success. He who permits his personality to become stinted or falls prey to evil, is a hopeless failure”.(Quran)

We are composed of strengths and weaknesses. Each person is a unique individual with inbuilt and acquired skills, talents and characteristics. The first step towards becoming a productive person is to know who you are, what the purpose of your life is and what your exact role in enriching this world. You need to envision the rationale of your existence in this Universe and to discover your real potential. Everyday allocate yourself 30 minutes , disconnecting from the worldly affairs to think about your ultimate purpose.

  1. Stay Focused

“Work for the affairs of the world as if you were going to live forever but work for the Hereafter as though you will die tomorrow.” (Hadith)

There are millions of things which distract us from our duties and tasks. It’s very challenging to stay focused on one task. Whatever you are doing, put your heart into it and stay focused. Doing several things at once may work for some kind of errands but not all. Specially, extra valuable tasks need your absolute attention and concentration. Avoid checking the email or the phone while working on the Mission. Try to stay focus in the same task for 30 minutes and take a break of 5 minutes, and again start.

You can compose a To Do list and keep it posted near your mirror. Constantly remind yourself of your goals in life.

  1. Plan and Prioritize

“Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death.”(Hadith)

Most of us are lazy to plan thus we focus on the work instead of the outcome. A good plan will concentrate on the final result rather than the work alone. Every productive person has a great vision and an effective plan to achieve it. You can plan your life as well as your day. Break tasks into bits.

Programme your day according to your priorities. You can divide the day into three parts. Set aside time at the beginning of your day to complete more urgent and important tasks. Schedule less significant priorities in the after lunch hours. You can exert yourself on your dreams and life goals in the third part of the day.

  1. Maintain consistency.

 “The most beloved actions to Allah are those performed consistently, even if they are few.” (Hadith)

Consistency helps you become a confident person. It also makes you trust and respect yourself which pave way to motivate you becoming more productive.

Will power is the key to attain consistency. If you are to lose weight you need the will power to do the exercise everyday even when you feel lazy and cold. Thus it is essential to be practical and realistic. Do not go to extremes which will eventually make you lose regularity.10 minutes workout everyday is much healthier than the half a day workout once in a blue moon. Don’t let temporary feelings of stress, worry, anger or insecurity disrupt you from your achieving your targets.

  1. Stay positive and Trust in Allah.

“How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affairs are all good, and this applies to no one but the believer. If something good happens to him, he is thankful for it and that is good for him. If something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him.” (Hadith)

Life is a short story of pains and pleasures. Hard times never last.

Staying positive even when the world collapse in front of your eyes is a beautiful virtue Islam teaches us.

Always seek for the ray of light when the sky is dark and scary. We create positive energy around us when our mindset is conditioned to see the optimistic side of every pessimistic occurrence. If you are determined on finding only the negatives, you will attract more negatives.

Everything happens according to Allah SWT ‘s Will. Be patient for no situation in life remain forever.After every darkness, comes dawn.

Count the endless blessings around yourself and  be Grateful to the God. Remembering Allah is the solace for a bruised soul. Seek Him and Ask Him to take away your distress and replace it with bliss. Have faith in Allah and never ever give up.

 “All opinions are that of the author and not necessarily those of the website that it is published under.”


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