Manifestations dans les banlieues francaises: Quelles leçons pour la Grande-Bretagne et l’Europe?
Londres 13H30Manifestations dans les banlieues francaises:
Quelles leçons pour la Grande-Bretagne et l'Europe?
Un seminarire organise par le UK Race & Europe Network
Intervenants:Professeur Tariq Ramadan, Professeur...
What can Islam bring to Europe?
Gand (Belgium) Iqra association organize on 19th January 2006 a lecture on :
"What can Islam bring to Europe?"
Contact : [email protected]
Burning Cities: Lessons from the French uprisings for Europe and Britain today
London 1.30 PMBurning Cities: Lessons from the French uprisings for Europe and Britain today
A seminar organised by the UK Race & Europe Network
Speakers: Professor...
“Who do we want to be” The Future of Britishness
LondonFor more information, click here
“Who do we want to be” The Future of Britishness
LondresPour plus d'informations cliquer ici