Egypt: Coup d’État, Act II
For two years now I have often been asked why I have not visited Egypt, where I had been forbidden entry for 18 years....
Ramadan: Month of fasting, month of meaning
Most of the classical religious teachings regarding the month of Ramadan insist on the rules being respected as well as the deep spiritual dimension...
Is it the end of Islamism or the birth of new liberal capitalist Islamists?
The end of political Islam has been predicted time and time again for more than 20 years. The trajectory followed by the regime...
When Citizenship and Human Rights clash
The notion of “citizenship” has been analysed and debated more elaborately, and for much longer, in the French tradition than in the different Anglo-Saxon...
The French Exception, or, how to put Cabinet Ministers to flight
On May 9 a high-level meeting held in Florence scrutinized the “state of the European union.” Government ministers, commissioners and prominent political figures took...