It was a tear, the song of its reflections;I needed badly to hear it, badly to understand itI was suddenly cold; the sadness of...
Through the Window
Through the fog and the fuzzy shapes of dawn,I believe I saw your image, recognized your breath.I thought of God, the path, loneliness. With...
And The Sacrifice…
In few days, it will be the Feast, The Great Feast of Islam and Muslims (‘Aid al Adhâ, ‘Aîd al-Kabîr). Millions of the faithful...
With The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) 3/3
Gentleness, caring and love
Gentleness, caring and love
In his daily life, while he was preoccupied by attacks, treachery and his enemies' thirst for revenge, he...
With The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) 2/3
Exile: meaning and teachings
Exile: meaning and teachings
The Prophet and all his companions had had to leave Mecca because of persecutions and adversity from their...