Participatory solidarity – Podcast#7 – Looking at the world
Participatory solidarity: Being open to the world means first thinking about our neighbor, the animals around us and nature. Provide the good with the...
To Give – Podcast #6 – Looking at the world
To give. From what we have, from who we are. Like a tree whose fruit is the gift, the trunk is consciousness, the roots...
Patience – Podcast #5 – Looking at the world
Patience is a virtue. Facing the tests or when achieving our projects, patience marries wisdom and meaning. The meaning of wisdom which invites us...
Freedom and Liberation – Podcast #4 – Looking at the world
Freedom and liberation: the ultimate end is peace, which requires to accept, to understand and to act.
Freedom and Liberation Podcast #4 - Looking at...
Freedom – Podcast #3 – Looking at the world
Freedom is a complex and demanding notion. It is an ideal never completely reached and it requires, first, to liberate ourself from the illusions...