A Chip Off the Old Block: Why the Fearmongers Want to Keep Tariq Ramadan...
If you are contemplating a public career today, especially in politics and/or religion, make sure you choose your ancestors, particularly your grandfather, carefully. That...
Т. Рамадан: Я полноценный европеец, но не собираюсь отказываться от Ислама
Тарик Рамадан, влиятельный мусульманский философ - швейцарец египетского происхождения, внук основателя ассоциации «Братьев-мусульман» Хасана аль-Банны. Поражая собеседника своей откровенностью и широтой взглядов, в интервью...
A bridge across fear: an interview with Tariq Ramadan
“I want to go beyond the perception that I am only different from you, or that difference is the beginning and the end.” In...
British Identity: an open and plural identity
Published in THE GUARDIAN (January 21, 2005)The presence of millions of Muslims in Europe has begun to raise a series of questions that...