[Day 1] The path, Ash-shari’a | Ramadan Chronicles 1437/2016


6 Commentaires

  1. Ramadan Kareem to you Prof. Tariq Ramadan and your family. May Allah continue to bless you with good health and property, inshaa Allah and Ameen.

    Thank you for Ramadan Chronicles.

    Best regards and warm wishes,

  2. Thank you once again Professor Ramadan. I look forward to your daily words of wisdom and inspiration during this journey of Ramadan.

  3. Salaam dear Prof Ramadan,

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and insight through the Ramadan Chronicles which enrich my observance of Ramadan (particularly as a Christian who borrows this ancient spiritual practice/discipline).

    A question… if one is to choose with the best of one’s knowledge, ones right path, does this not imply an element of “free will”? And if so, is this not contrary to the teachings of Islam? Kindly clarify this for me. Duas to you and yours. Aya


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