[Day 13] Well-being


6 Commentaires

  1. Asalamalaikom!
    I am a converted Muslim, your messages are very inspiring. Thank you for your daily Ramadan reminder.
    I’m trying to become a better Muslim. In Sha Allah.

    • I’m catholic, but I’m opened to other religions, and Mr. Ramadan is a source of wonderful inspiration for every person of any religion.
      I’m trying to be a better person, and any help coming from any religion is welcome!

  2. I assume that the talk is meant for a non-Arabic speaking audience. With this in mind, I advise that you use the term “God”, when referring to the Almighty, rather than “Allah,” because, in the mind of the foreign-speaking listener/viewer, the word “Allah” implies and is understood to mean a “heathen” diety.

  3. Mr. Ramadan, your daily moral speeches really help increase my Iman during the Holy Month.
    I wish there were more English speaking, contemporary Muslim scholars like you who try to find solutions to the problems, which Muslims encounter in the west.
    To the poster before me: I think Mr.Ramadan’s articles are addressed to English speaking Muslims and not to non- Muslims. We know what Allah means God

  4. Mastering ourselves & Well being are the two pivotal tactical reasons besides Love of Allah & wooeing Him. 16 more values to study 😉


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