[Day 14] Respect


2 Commentaires

  1. It is very important to understand the rights that our feelings have ,because all too often unfortunately people ignore what they feel or worse don’t even spend time to understand what they feel inside (because of a busy life or lack of good relationships etc) with respect to the various spectrums of feelings colourfully painted in our lives , from relationships , to things that may upset us , to decisions that we have to make ,which all in the end impact our emotional well being . The less you pay attention to your heart from a health perspective and understand yourself , the less decisions you make that move you closer to your hearts desire and the more you move farther away from acheiving happiness . The heart and mind are connected to each other and they both complement one another in making good decisions , so respect your mind , but do not forget the role paying attention to your heart has in keeping you healthy . I don’t often hear anyone speaking about the importance of paying attention to your feelings within the framework of faith . Im very glad that Tariq Ramadan spoke about this because I feel these types of conversations are lacking and not emphasized and if they were , I feel that they would help people realize that faith isn’t just about prostrations and formulas , but as well about our health and feelings , which are precious gifts from God that we should remember to value , more importantly , to value for the sake of remembering Him . Ramadan Kareem .

  2. Respect starts with respecting God, what He says, what He commands, how He wants us to live. Emulating Him in His respect of humans’ free will, we can come to mutual respect in a society. But it does not mean that respecting others’ choice I agree with it. Because respecting our human choice God does not agree with our choice to ruin nature around, murder people next to us and many other things…


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