[Day 4] Forgetfulness | Ramadan Chronicles 1437/2016


4 Commentaires

  1. Shukran and thank you so much for this series. I enjoy these videos as my final activity at night. May Allah (swt) bless you for your wise reminders and thoughtful words.

  2. I appreciate your daily messages very much. Thank you. However, I do find the visual setting to be quite grim compared to last Ramadan’s outdoor, peaceful setting which, for me, complemented the message. I am a very early morning person and love to sit and simply listen to the birds’ songs and feel the breeze – nature is such a gift to us. I also felt the natural setting communicated an appropriate sense of humility. I recall that in your closing remarks last year you reminded listeners to take care of themselves as well as to remember to tell those they loved that they love them — during the prescribed fasting this month I think it is very important to remind believers to take care of themselves not only as individuals but also within the ummah. Essentially I see Ramadan as a joyful month – something of an internal and external — and communal — spring cleaning. Blessings to you this Ramadan for all of your contributions!

  3. Salaam and thank you Dr Tariq Ramadan for clarifications on Jihad of Resistance against forgetfullness .. understanding our religous obligations for better experiences in our the journeys from this temporary home to the permanent home of Insya Allah Jannah ..


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