“Giving Back” by Ahmed Birra


There he was, standing all alone,
Fighting for the cause of God on his own.
No matter what they all said, he never gave up,
He was a champion of many virtues like patience, truth and steadfastness.
He was hard like rock in his belief, yet soft and soothing at heart like a morning breeze.
He was the Prophet Muhammad.
He is an example to follow,
For he treated the evils of society one person at a time, with nothing more than patience
Likewise, the patience of a mother,
Working selflessly and tirelessly,
She worked to help and cure the needy,
She was Mother Teresa-
Always with a positive attitude and good heart.
The love that shone from within her heart, love that was fuelled by absolute dedication.
She touched many lives, and never ceased to remind us—
“Without patience, we learn less in life.”
And then there is the sun.
Waiting patiently throughout the night,
So morning can come for it to rise and shine.
Silently, without a word, giving and producing without a cost.
Similarly, when each person will keep doing their part of good.
To remove the darkness of this world, we will all turn out to be the champions one day.
When the sun rises on a peaceful and happy earth.
Humans should also work like the sun.
Around us we see many injured souls,
If we try, with patience and trust, we can heal them.
Along with moving the mountains of bad deeds.
No one ever got anywhere without trying. Trying is half winning.
As they say, you lose 100% of the shots you don’t take.
It is important to try, with patience and perseverance.
Never giving up is a trait of champions, it is true patience that arises a champion from within.
Defeat is nothing but falling down and not getting up again.
As you will not accomplish much if not anything in life.
And the world can be free of its miseries.
And we can leave it a better place to live, for the generations to come.
Find a purpose that makes your heart sing. Then give it all that you’ve got.

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