Islam and Life: Rising right wing bloc in EU impact European Muslims


4 Commentaires

  1. Its is great to see these kind of debates going on, We as the Muslim community should definitely encourage and share this kind of content so that we can educate ourselves. Otherwise we are just bombarded with negative news against Islam. I think also the final point about it being very positive for us because it means were succeeding is amazing and is something we should be proud of. I hope to see more of this insha’Allah. Jazaka’Allah Khair.

  2. I agree with Islamourdeen’s comment. So good to see this discusion. The point made about the use of press and media is a significant one – at present negative press prevails and the Muslim community need to work harder at this.
    I am not Muslim but I see no reason why we shouldn’t live together in peace and harmony, respecting eachother’s values..
    The rise of the right in Europe is a bad sign and (I think) is an indication of fear and uncertainty – people fear our liberal democray being undemined by Muslims who take advantage of its accomodation and attitudes but want to destroy it. This is seen in the number (albeit relatively small) of Muslims supporting anti western Jihadi movements and going out to fight in foreign wars committed to the destruction of our society…
    I think the situation will only improve through more discussion and better education.

  3. Dear Mr Ramadan,
    I would like to share my thoughts about islamic bad impact on MY life and life of others:
    – airport checks. Thanks to muslim bombers I loose at least 30 hours of my life yearly – assuming i will live next 20 years I will lose 6 000 hours of my life.
    – far right movements revival – this is a direct reaction to muslim fundamentalism. Fundamentalism breeds fundamentalism.
    -Total surveillance on everybody- and we will conform – life is as precious as freedom.
    – Freedom of speech impeded: muslims are very sensitive about their unsubstantiated dogmas.
    – Inclination to revise long established laws – e.g Japan constitution art.9 after Japanese hostage was killed by Daesh.
    Good luck, revise your dogmas,
    Andre Voyt


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