Islamic Awakening – Conversation with Tariq Ramadan: Impact of Globalization on Islam


2 Commentaires

  1. I am pleased, Professor Ramadan, about your English lecture. I think it’s important to give lectures in English as well because it has a wider echo and most people in the world can understand your ideas. This is not to say that French is important as well. They’re all uselful. I also would like to thank you very much for your constant efforts and work to defend the oppressed. May God bless you! By the way, I am one of your Moroccan fans. May God be always by your side!

  2. je vous felicite par rapport a vos brulliante intervention concernant la clarification de l’islam pour ce qui ne connaissent pas cette religion de merveille. je prie Allah qu’il vous accorde la sante et le paradis a la fin de votre vie. amara bangoura , guinee-conakry


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