Islamic Awakening – Conversation with Tariq Ramadan: Role of Muslim Women


7 Commentaires

  1. Salamu alaykoum,
    A real piece of wisdom, as always 🙂

    But still, I think we need one more episode, if not more, to speak about all what regards women in Islam – like polygamy, or love (which we severely neglect when talking about men and women’s relationship)

    Thanks, professor Ramadan!

  2. West has no say or role in follwing, please we need to look inward and move into modern times , none of the points below are cultural
    1- rights in property (how rights of a child can be related to duties -its insulting to parent child relationship)
    2- right to divorce same as man and to allow any man to utter words and effect divorce is a floodgate of abuse
    3- Polygamy is way to immorality as it indicates a man can have multiple partners to satsify himself just by giving it a cover of nikkah how can u bulid a family unit when basic respect for wife is not allowed to exist
    4- womens testimony in case of financial matters
    5- Husband has higher place in marraige and it is explained by insulting women further that God does not place onus of earning on women and she can keep her earnings , rubbing in salt as lesser beings
    Please explain when women have same religious duties so why are they lesser than men , even afterlife treats women same , dress code is another burden placed on women
    Then there are numerous hadith like wives will be cursed if they refuse conjugal rights, women will be abundant in hell but we can dismiss them afterall they are seondary but unfortuantely these are commnly quoted in khutbas
    what has happened in west that humanity moved on and realised 7th century context does not exist and manmade rules came into existence which alllows growth of humans a being first and then woman and man.
    I hope you can answer my queries and not silence them .

    • I notice no-one has answered your questions.What is point of avoiding real issues?Straight question straight answer, why not?

  3. Well, in fact i am very confused upon several points. You are saying that man and woman are equal, yes they are equal in many aspects as spritual dimention or maybe in job seeking rights, but ofcourse they are not equal in responsibilities and not equal in their human needs they are rather complementary و ليس الذكر كالانثي . So we should categorize what is said to be equal and what is not.

    Secondly, woman ‘s rights in education and building her society is undebatable but we have to state clearly that educating her children and giving a well being and the role of committed family in society is his her first duty and priority which is also a constructive way in building effective society. Within a family a man and woman focusing only on their ambition without giving care for their children is not in any way leading to a well being ( muslim or non muslim). I am saying that whilst i am pursuing my PHD in physcis and aware of the value of what i am doing but at the same never negelecting my first duty.

    • Dear Mai,
      Your comment is very to the point.
      I want to add some reflections on your quote: “وليس الذَّكَرُ كالأُنْثَى”, which I believe are God’s words. In arabic rethoric, if you want to say that there is a difference between a sighted person (who sees truth/light/guidance…) and a blind person (who deviates from truth/guidance…), it would generally read:
      “و ليس الأعمى كالبصير”, and not “و ليس البصير كالأعمى”.
      In Quran you can find:
      “هل يستوي الأعمى والبصير”, but it will never be turned as “هل يستوي البصيروالأعمى”.
      You start by who/what you think has less ability to accomplish something, then you “compare” to the second term – in fact you almost say: there is no possible comparison between the first word and the second who/which has full ability. That’s how it works in arabic.
      Knowing this, the quote indicates that:
      – The new female baby born (Maryam) will dedicate her entire life for/in the path towards God, and her degree of faith and devotion will be perfect, and certainly not less than what a male can have.
      – The special ability to be pregnant is exactly what God was planning to “use” so that Maryam and her future baby become “آيةً للعالمين”; and this is just what a male can not be/afford.
      Now, back to the discussions about responsibilities:
      – Women can get pregnant does not mean raising children is their only responsibility, exclusively, it does not mean men “can not” take care of kids!
      – Women can work does not mean men should stay home, or women have no more responsibility in making children and taking care of them
      For me, I would say that raising educating a child is the first duty of women and men, whenever/wherever a child is born.

      And God knows better.

  4. Bonsoir,
    Merci pour cet échange intéressant et riche en exemples sur le rôle de la femme musulmane.
    Je souhaiterais soulever également le fait que, quelquefois, la façon de traiter la femme en occident est loin d’être un modèle à suivre pour les pays du sud. Les enseignements de l’Islam sur le rôle des femmes sont absolument universels et ils sont là pour empêcher toutes les dérives qui peuvent être commises par certains à l’encontre des femmes de toutes origines et de toutes confessions, en occident comme en orient. Je me permets de joindre à mon message le lien ci-dessous qui nous montre bien, à travers une chanson, qu’il y a encore du chemin à parcourir dans la communauté humaine toute entière pour respecter la femme, corps et âme, en la traitant en toutes circonstances avec toute la dignité qui lui est due.
    Paix, justice et traitement digne à tous les êtres humains, hommes ou femmes, inchaAllah.

  5. I cannot view the post in Pakistan. Is it possible to convert it to another format and post it again. Or to post a transcription of the talk?


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