Islamic Studies and Orientalism



2 Commentaires

  1. I found the discussion interesting however I do have a concern when Azzam Tamimi said that what was expounded by Hamas & Al Qaeda was not abberations of Islam but part of the Islamic world reaction based on Islamic principles.

    Clearly he sees that the binary scenario of Islamic peace and war as a reality which concerns me for the future with regards to a lack of any dialogue with the West and the Rest but simply violent confrontation . Yet it was suggested in your “ Day of Ashura” there should be dialogue rather than confrontation.

    Furthermore I feel that this discussion did not consider that fact that muslim scholars are not prepared to carry out the sort of literal crititisms which has happen for Christianity for fear of being excommunicated and even death threats.

    Christian scholars since the 19th century have been allowed to question many issues with regards to Christain doctrine without having death threats

  2. The introduction and the afterword include really solid reflections on the state of Islamic studies in North America. Each essay included in this volume offers fresh insights about the subject matter, but also about method and theory in the study of Islam.


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