PressTV – Islam and Life: Failure of Islamophobia campaign in West


2 Commentaires

  1. As a Muslim I am very proud not because of the big number of people who are embracing İslam , as professor Ramadan said, but because I’ve no doubt that İslam is the only true religion that exists on earth.
    Thank you Professor Tariq Ramadan, May Allah give us more Muslim thinkers like you.

  2. Do you agree that this fact. Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. Matthew 15:24 Then Jesus (peace be upon him)said to the woman, “I was sent only to lost sheep–the people of Israel.” Clear from your bible it proof it self to world that jess was sent only to Jews who have deviate from the commandments of Mosa’s. However the accusations you have against Islam is completely false. If you have travelled the world you would have witnessed the different race, nationality who devoted themselves to the Lord of all the prophets including Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon them all. Did you know the majority people who follow Islam are not Arab. Do u know that I myself is not Arab and I wouldn’t Care if I was. Because Islam teaches me that the colour of someone’s skin does not make s/he superior..

    You truly you don’t know the Bible. The one thing I applaud for Christian scholars is they have marked the words of Jesus (peace be upon him)red and from looking at them no where would you find where Jesus says I am God or worship me. how clear this would been if said it but he never said such thing. But instead he told his disciples to worship their Lord only.

    Everybody in this world is born a Muslim. The only difference is that some are born with Christian family and some are born in a Muslim family.. .but everybody, including Trees and Animals are Muslim. Muslim means the one who submits his will to God, sincerely. 

    Sharia law tells us how to have sex with wife,how to keep ourselves clean,how to behave with non Muslims,how to respect elders,how to live with sister and mother. I don’t think such knowledge termed as a terrorism.
    There r many many many more things which it guides us.

    Muslims are Terrorists !!? 1. The First World War 17 million dead (caused by non-Muslims)on 28 July 1914. 2. The Second World War 50-55 million dead (caused by non-Muslims) on 1939. 3. Nagasaki atomic bombs 200,000 dead (caused by non-Muslims) 4. The war in Vietnam over 5 million dead (caused by non-Muslims) 5. The war in Bosnia / Kosovo over 500,000 dead (caused non-Muslims) 6. War in Iraq (so far) 1,200,000 deaths (caused non-Muslims) 7. Afghanistan, Burma etc. (caused by Non-Muslims) 8.100 million native Americans brutally murdered in north America 50 million in south Caused by non Muslims From Napoleon to Hitler non of them were Muslim And it’s 60 years the genocide and killing of Palestinians still continue all world are witness ….! You still think that Islam is the problem?! Quran =And when it is said to them, “Do not cause corruption on the earth,” they say, “We are peace makers, but reformers.” [2:11] Judge with Justice between people (

    If Islam was not a peaceful religion then by God it wouldn’t have been the fastest growing religion in world.And believe me there is Allah.


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