When the Muslims wake up (3/100)

3. Wisdom and transcendence

It is said in the Revelation that “whoever is given wisdom, has been given much good”. In these troubled times, and at a time when particularities are emphasized, when racism spreads, when hate speech is normalized, when the anonymous speech has allowed (through social media) the worst manifestation of mankind’s inhumanity… we must then arm ourselves with faith, patience, courage and love; the very founding principles of this wisdom.

Faith is an energy that frees us from all types of colonialism; including that of our ego, even the most intimate, as that of powers, money, desires, illusions and uncontrolled emotions. It takes time to take care of oneself, to remember the essential things, not to divert from one’s objectives. To be with God and to know that, irrevocably, our path leads to Him.

One of the signs of those who forget themselves is their rush. Their will is to go fast, to act quickly without sometimes taking into account the laws of History, of time, individual and collective psychologies. Patience reminds us that we are certainly autonomous subjects but that we are only means, “tiny details” in the realization of Humanity. We fight every day for goodness, in the name of a goodness that surpasses us. We must know the road through the humility of recognizing the likelihood of not achieving the goals of our battles. The path of goodness begins by keeping our intentions humble through protecting ourselves from the arrogance of the victors, here below. On the road to goodness, the smallest “action of good” is a great victory, despite appearances. We can lose everything and win; we can win everything and get lost.

Courage is a light. Accepting all sacrifices in the name of faith, the good and the dignity of mankind. To uphold the responsibility of speaking in its name; to dare to pronounce “a word of justice before the despot”; to sacrifice one’s comfort in order to defend the oppressed, the migrant and the abused Nature. To dare, to challenge, to resist, with patience and faith.

Learn to love, to love better and to love with strength, softness and depth. To hate what human beings are capable of doing; to love what they have the means to give and to offer. To detest the tyrant, to support the resistant. To detach from unmerciful judges, to accompany our brothers in humanity. With faith, with patience, with courage. Radiate with love, and, every day, “spread peace”.

In these troubled times, one must train oneself to wisdom. Follow the Way, access more knowledge, control our emotions, do our best and give, and give again. To give from ourselves, our time, our qualities, our generosity, our friendship and our love. Without counting. The main resistance to “merchant capitalism” begins by freeing our heart … transcending ourselves. This is the meaning of faith and wisdom. The human being, chained by the frenzy of the purchase of goods, fashionable ideas and the ephemeral, has already sold her/his soul, as if she/he has been “sold at a low price”.

The wisdom before God and among human beings is to testify and to show that we are neither to be bought nor to be sold

4 Commentaires

  1. As “life” continues, and real human beings know that life is life, not being myself in my body as a result “medicine”, and as these words, and all the previous messages are spoken to brother Tariq, there is as a result violence towards “my” moving body, like being rayed and beamed at, being gassed…
    The First and The Last of all is Allah (S.B.T).
    All there is really is being a slave of Allah (S.B.T.), NOT of people.

    • As Salaam Alai-u-Kum brother Tariq,
      I made a couple of errors in the message above that needs correcting. Firstly, it should be clear that I am not myself in my body as a result of “medicine”, and secondly it should be noted that there is extra gasing in the air whenever I write to your site.
      I have written the message again properly, repeated.
      Yours Sincerely, shireen

  2. As Salaam Alai-u-Kum brother Tariq,
    As “life” continues, and every real human being knows that life is life, and I am not myself in my body as a result of “medicine”, violent attacks happen towards “my” moving body outside after I write to you every time after I read your articles. Like “I” am being rayed or beamed at, being gased…

    The First and The Last of all things in created life is Allah (S.B.T.).
    All it really is that one is a slave of Allah (S.B.T.), NOT of people.


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