il manifesto



  1. we love you and your initiative of integrating muslim points
    of vues in thinking your vision of europe with theirs neigbours in the south
    Please do something good to save libyans
    Help to political solution because there is
    no military solution at all !
    Being gentel with muslims can help greatly

  2. And for historical evidence regarding Libya, no European country has made specific use of European tradition of political refuge or earth of asylum because of war or something of that order there ;
    because Europe has educated us with that tradition to welcome and receive people fleeing situation of war or political oppression/
    No , nothing refers to this historical tradition .
    The solution is only armed brutality with the OTAN armed Action , it likes as an historical opportunity to finish with a bad friend ,And this action means clearly what inhabit in the officials mind as rough mentality instead of a peacefull one.The brutality of manners seems to be of our time.
    And the pro-format bill will be paied
    by the citizen of each country .
    And thanks a lot for This modern way of democracy

  3. We all are deeply choked whith this un-human act in Norway, see at the north of europe , where the most monstruous drama ha occured because of un-knowledge of the others and developping a mind of total rejecting the others identities and of a total focusing on his own European Ego .
    Europe has to work quikly et very hard to prevent
    such a suicide Act of issu from the only one coulored mind in Europe. But How ? the question is there .
    Surely this guy has played whith terror games and war games during his youth. We are sharing your pain in Norway and with all Europe .


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