I want to start by saying I am sorry. The moral question is essential. It has to do with coming back to God (tawba), forgiveness and love. Yet we should not underestimate the political dimension of this case. It was a political set up targetting a vocal activist-scholar. I am innocent of the charges against me as revealed by the two year investigation. This is further elaborated in the video below.

2 Commentaires

  1. Cher monsieur Ramadan,

    Je commenece par exprimer mon admiration pour votre force, détermination en extrême intelligence qui m’ éblouie et m’intimide en même temps. Vos discours cohérents me touchent beaucoup même en étant une moderne moslima sans hijab ni foulard. Une moslima qui vit et participe dans un pays européen (Hollande) et qui est confrontée chaque jour et de plus en plus a une hostilité « subtile ».

    Monsieur Ramadan, je pense que ce que vous faites dans votre vie privée ne regarde que vous et votre conscience. Le cirque médiatique et politique contre vous ne fait qu’ augmenter mon respect pour ce que vous representez. Poursuivez votre chemin en continuez à nous inspirer. Qu’Allah Soubhanahou wata3ala vous soutient, guide vos pas et vous protège vous et votre petite famille.


    Amina Merzak

  2. Salam Brother and Dr.Tariq Ramadan,
    I m a muslim brother from Morocco who enjoyed watching you destroying the enemies of Islam in the word battles on their media platforms in public. You are a highly skilled man in your field, and that is the mobile behind your assassination. The size of their unease with your interventions is measured by the dirty means and actors they have used and the years of planning that have been consumed to do so. However you succumbed to some of your unlawful desires and gave them an angle of attack to work on you from.
    If I was in you shoes,first, I will focus on my repentance to Allah, he is the most forgiving, and nobody can interfere between Allah and his servant (no need to apologize to people). Then I will work with other muslim skilled brothers and sisters and kind of train them or coach them on how to deal with the enemies of Islam, how to defeat them and expose the fallacies and weaknesses in their interventions. And Last, but not the least, your family is great and deserves more of your time and closeness.
    We love you because you are a Muslim brother who defends islam. that can never change in the eyes of any normal muslim, you are not immune to mistakes, but you should be to giving up.

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