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Adam – |
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You refused to put an islamic spin to the riots in France’s downtrodden suburbs, why while the majority there are Muslims and the are suffering from an obvious dicrimination?
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SalamulLahi ‘alaykum
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Fady – France |
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All the models are facing crisis and they need respectively to reassess the gap between the ideals they refer to and the realities they apply. The gap is huge. French or British or European Muslim citizens should not wait passively these different models to be reformed by the State or whatever institutions. They must be involved and distinguish the problems: it is for them to ask the right questions and give innovative answer. At the end of the day they are part of the solution and must propose alternatives from within the dynamics and the fabrics of their own societies. |
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jafer AP – India |
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doctor |
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Dear Ramadan, Assalamu Alaikum
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Salam ‘alaykum wa rahmatulLahi wa barakatuh, |
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Mirage – |
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I think the recent unrests in France resurface the problems of representing Islam & Muslims in France just like many other European Muslim communities. Do you think that this crisis will create new representative bodies and institutions of French Muslims? |
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Salam to you,
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Abdullah – |
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Many USA analysts refer to the American model of integration; « the melting pot » as the successful way of managing a « community of immigrants » and blaming the French model of assimilation of causing all the current unrest in France . How can you see the differences between the two models? If the USA model is the successful one, how we should analyze the problems of the American Muslims? |
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I think we do not idealize one model and even think that one model is better than the other. |
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sayneeh – France |
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studient |
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« Tariq ramadan is the futur of islam » FOR many people in the world,what is your opinion on this?
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A journalist said that he heard a journalist who said that he hear Hassan at-Turabi who once said that: « Tariq Ramadan is the future of Islam »… Nobody knows who said that and if it was said or not. It is maybe a journalist who invented that quote. Allahu a’lam. |
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Afro- – |
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Dear Tariq ,
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I do not think we need an alliance of minorities… I think we need an alliance of « people of principles ». In the name of a true « ethics of citizenship » let us get rid of this « minority obsession » and speak to our societies the language of the true universalism. Let us remind the people that there is no hierarchy between racisms and that all must be condemned, that there is neither « second class » nor « minority citizenship » in our societies. Let us struggle for equal rights and opportunities… We need national movement of local initiative … minorities or not… we need to gather the people around project promoting the expressed – and so often betrayed – majority principles and values. |
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moslim – Germany |
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As salem aleikoum dear scholar Prof. Dr. Ramadan,
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SalamulLahi ‘alayk |
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concerned – France |
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I think you guys made a survey on the main reasons of the riots. The results showed that around 26 % went for the religious option. HOw does brother Tareq see this percentage? |
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The quick « reading » of the situation leads you to think: there are riots in the suburbs, the majorities are Muslims thus there is a link. Once again, be careful about this kind of quick appreciations. It could be a trap. |
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Sarah – |
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Dear Bro.Tariq, did you work among the French suburbanites before? If yes, how did you find such an experience? What are the main reasons of marginalizing those people? |
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Salam ‘alayki sister Sarah, |
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Shakir – |
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What are your expectations after the riots especially after deporting and arresting many people? Do you think that we need a human rights and legal campaigns? Please clarify your answer with practical examples.
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It is high time to work on three fields: |
whats the future of the muslims in france and europe