Salaam, I was really sorry for having missed your lecture about terrorism given at Bamako in last August for some friends of mine told me that it was the best one among all the lectures you gave there. But now I think they are those who should be sorry for not being able to understand( they are only francophone) that very very informative and deep analysis upon the sociology of terrorism. Thank you and May Allah alwas be with you !
يعود انكسارالحضارة الإسلامية - حسب العديد من المؤرخين- إلى حوالي القرن الثالث عشر، والغزو المغولي. كانت الاضطرابات على طول حدود الإمبراطورية، وهشاشة السلطة، والهزائم...
Salaam, I was really sorry for having missed your lecture about terrorism given at Bamako in last August for some friends of mine told me that it was the best one among all the lectures you gave there. But now I think they are those who should be sorry for not being able to understand( they are only francophone) that very very informative and deep analysis upon the sociology of terrorism. Thank you and May Allah alwas be with you !