Muslims in Europe and the Challenges of the New Year

Discussion on IslamOnline

Subject :  Muslims in Europe and the Challenges of the New Year Date  Tuesday,Jan 23 ,2007 


Name : Khalid    – United Kingdom
Profession : Counsellor
Asslamo alaikum, Dr Ramadhan. As you are aware the Muslim minorities in Europe are facing very difficult times, in terms of terrorist arrests and smear campaigns by media. The situation has not peaked yet. How do you see the long term future for the Muslims in Europe.


Salam ‘alaykum wa RahmatuLLahi wa barakatuhu,

Thank you Khalid for this question. I think it is not going to be easy….very difficult times are ahead wa Allahu a’lam.
Intellectuals, politicians and so called experts are using this ‘terrorists threat’ to nurture suspicions and fears.

It is important for us to condemn terrorism but not to fall into this trap of ‘strategic distractions’ preventing us from building, explaining and asserting our presence.

To refuse the victim mentality is imperative. To acknowledge the fact that there are victims (of discriminations, racism, etc.) is not less important and then to act with self-confidence and trust is necessary. in sha Allah 



Name : muslim boy    – 
Profession :
How can we unite the different sects of Islam in Europe?Which sect is growing the most and why?



It won’t be possible to unite all the sects in Europe or in the Islamic majorities countries.

The wisest way, wa Allahu a’lam, is to know that there is an accepted diversity within islam and we need to respect each other.

There is a way to deal with sunni, shi’i, and then with the trends within each tradition. Some are outside the limits of the Islamic principles, we should know that and act accordingly : repeat the principles and the fundamentals and be clear on the very essence of our disagreements.

For all the secondary issues we should show understanding and respect and remain able to accept them and to keep the paths of dialogue constatntly open.

If not…the Muslims can become the instruments of bad and vicious politics as we are seeing in Irak. And this is not only because of the States but also because of the Muslims… who also are to be blamed to fall into these fights. Wa Allahu a’lam 



Name : Salma    – France
Profession : Engineer
Salamo Alikom Prof.Ramadan, I appreciate all what you say in your French lectures, cause it’s always very clear and it made my french progress. I’m now in France doing my masters and I’m Egyptian and veiled too hamdollellah. My supervisor is giving me a headache about the veil and she told me to take it off, but I told her to forget that. Then she told me to wear it differently so as not to be ‘shocking’ to French (as she said). Is that considered as pleasing people against Allah’s will, or is it permissible as I’m in a foreign country and I should concentrate more on giving a good example of a muslim girl by studying and proofing myself in my field of research.(I didn’t take off my hijab but i just don’t wear it like I used to do in Egypt). Thanks in advance 


Salam ‘alaykum,

The new french law is for the teenagers at schools (between 14 to 17-18 years old). There is no prohibition at the University level.
In your case no one can ask you to remove your veil and you should not take it off. It is your choice, your faith, your decision. You may find another way to wear it but do not accept the pressure. Never.

Not only for your sake or the sake of Muslims but also for the sake of the French people who must learn to deal with free and educated Muslim women showing them that this is a personal choice to be respected.
Study, wera your headscarf, speak out and do not let anyone dictate your mind… be careful of your own fears for it is a psychological game and war. Wa Allahu a’lam 



Name : Mohamed    – Egypt
Profession :
Salamu Alaykum Dr Tariq,
to what extent could the European Muslims react positively and reassert themselves in the near future vis-a-vis the Islamophobic wave running through Europe ? and could they clear out the few militant elements amongest their ranks?


Salam ‘alaykum,

Muslims in Europe, America, and even in the Islamic majority countries should have a vision. We are wasting our time reacting to attacks.

What do we want to achieve? What is our contribution to the world? Are we ‘followers’ obssessed with catching up with the dominant societies or do we have something to offer on the ethical ground, on the spiritual dimension?

These are the questions? Controversies are traps… our way whatever some may say is to bear witness, to spread peace, understanding…reasonnable reason. The tawhid in our heart, justice in our mind and consistency in our life. What are we ready to give and to offer? 



Name : samy    – Alaska
Profession :
I hope that u heard the last debate at UK between Danial pipes and other thinker. i see that Muslims have left the media for those people. How Muslims find some sort of effective propaganda to change this dark image. i wanna tell u that iam so worried .


I was at that meeting.

Daniel Pipes is a clever polemist but above all he is a liar. Many of the facts and statements he mentioned and made were wrong.

The only good Muslims for him are those who are not critisizing Israel… these are the ‘moderate Muslims’

We must not be distracted by these people…one day or another in sha Allah, it will be clear that thy are a real danger not for Muslims but for the States and the West in general.

Let us do our work… and contribute, wherever we are, to the better. Let us be useful for the whole humanity while some are misusing the whole humanity for the sake of a tiny minority. Let us become a Rahma, a Mercy, for the worlds… it is not going to be easy….and we were told it would not be easy. So natawakkal ‘alaLLah and remain perseverant in sha a-Rahman 



Name : hasan    – United Kingdom
Profession : youthworker/communnity worker
salamulikum brother ramadhan, i have to ask thaat your grandfather was a very conservirtive muslim but as for yourself you seem a libreal as some would say and after leaving myslef a islamic political party in the past i have come to find you have good judgment and understanding but to some extent arent you a libreal, yes you may answer with no such thing in islam a conserviteve muslim or libreal muslim is muslim but the beats the objective of the question. so please do think about it and asnwer back to me and the other thing you are in oxford but i have nevr come across you as yet being a oxford resident myself.


Salam ‘alaykum,

I have heard many times this kind of labelling…’a liberal Muslim’ as opposed to a conservative or a true Muslim.

I have no time to waste with labels and perceptions. I have spent 15 years of my life studying Islamic sciences with scholars and researching on my own. I am trying to elaborate a vision for our contemporary world based on the Islamic sources and faithful to our principles while at the same time in phase with the reality of our time.

Instead of labelling so easily, I think those who criticize some of my positions should come and show where what I say is not respecting the Islamic principles, where is it wrong and why?

I am open to this serious dialogue and debate with people who are avoiding ‘perceptions’ and are not dismissing your points because they consider that you do not have the right education. Very often I ask : What do you know about my Islamic education? The response is ‘nothing’ or ‘haven’t you studied philosophy?’ So what? When you have studied philosophy it means you haven’t study fiqh, hadith, usul al-fiqh? Our state of affairs as to discuss ideas is sad and some are much more interested in their status than in the real fundamental debate…

So, if there is something I said or wrote which is against the Islamic principles, let me know and if it is confirmed I promise that within five minutes I shall change my position in sha Allah
But please stop with superficial labelling…



Name : NAKHLI    – Morocco
Profession : Civil Servant
Mr Ramadan,

Assalamo Alaykom,
Je saisis cette occasion pour vous souhaiter une bonne année de l’hégire avec mes meilleurs voeux de bonheur, santé, succès et prospérités , qu’Allah béni tout ce que vous faites.
Ma question est la suivante:
Comment vous voyez l’avenir des musulmans en occident, car j’ai peur que ce qui s’est passé en Espagne se répète.
Wassalamo alaykom.


Salam ‘alaykum,

The question is how do I see the future of the Muslims in Europe…fearing that the old Spanish experience to be repeated…

I answered this question already. Know who you are, where and with whom you live and to your best to remain consistent in sha Allah.

It is simple, it is difficult… but there is no other way as this is what Allah is asking us to do. and on Him we rely and to Him we return



Name : Sumaiya    – Bangladesh
Profession : student
Dear Tareq Ramadan,

I respect you a lot for brainstorming issues which many Muslim scholars would otherwise shun. What do you think should be the primary duty of the Muslim youth?

Pray for me sir, assalamualaikum.


Salam ‘alaykum,

And don’t forget to pray for me as well, may Allah protect you, love you and guide you.

I think that the priority is education and self-education. From the three dimensions: spiritual (listening to the heart, trying to work on the ego and the instincts); intellectual (to learn to listen and to speak, to read a lot, to confront wisely other views…), social (to serve the people, to give, to struggle for justice for every single human soul Muslim or not in the name of the Creator of all souls)
May God help us.



Name : Islam ambassador    – France
Profession : recent graduate
Assalam alaykom Dr. Ramadan,

After living in different countries in the world, and observing islam in these countries, I feel that Islam is « rising » with the number of converts in the West (10 000 converts in France per year, 20 000 in the US). In the meantime, many muslims in the arab world become less interested in their religion.
Do you feel that Allah may replace the ‘inactive’ muslims of the arab world with more active and dedicated muslims in the West?

Another question: do you have lectures in arabic? Or translation of your lectures, somewhere online?

Wa jazakoum Allahou khayran insha Allah


Salam ‘alaykum,

I have written in the book ‘Western Muslims and the Future of Islam’ that the experience of Western Muslims will have a tremendous influence and impact on the Muslims in the majority Islamic countries.

Nevertheless I think it is wrong to think that everything will come from the West. The Islamic thought is also very dynamic and productive in the Islamic majority countries. So, it is now a two way process. We must create bridges, debates and better mutual understanding in order to benefit more from each other.

I have lectures in Arabic and I heard that one brother is gathering some of them on a CD in sha Allah. Four books are already translated and there are more to come in sha Allah. Among them the last one on the sira : In the Footsteps of the Prophet, Lessons from the Life of Muhammad. This one is going to be publish very soon in Arabic in sha Allah



Name : Adil Jauhar    – United Kingdom
Profession : Web Developer – CEO

I have had an innitiave to create one of the largest systems to help the success of Muslims in Media, Trade, Education & Communication.

Unfortunately we are not getting much support from the Muslims, we were even contact by government think tanks, which shows its demand, but the Muslims, are not very innovative nowadays, and I feel that is why we are lacking. Infact I know it is why we are sleeping whilst the other people rule the media and other areas. How do we wake up these Muslims? It is not just the normal citizens, but actual large Organisations too, although I would like to say Al Muntada Al Islami have done a brilliant job.

Mr Ramadan, what do you suggest I do as a person working to help the Ummah, if I cannot get the support from these areas, does it not make me realise there is not a chance for Muslims, and that I should give up?

Obviously this should not be the case, but with the current attitude of some of our leaders, how is it that we will ever progress?



Salam ‘alaykum,

Never give up, dearest.

It may be that the do not understand the importance of youy project. It may be that you have to present it in a different way…

Yes, there is a lack of creativity and innovative projects in our community…very often you are not accepted when you start but when you have proven that it works.

Try your best, don’t go ahead alone…ask for advice but please don’t give up serving… even if the people around you do not understand the meaning of your service.

Remain patient and perseverant in sha Allah



Name : Ali    – Canada
Profession :

Brother Tariq, I would like to tell first that I love you for the sake of Allah. I have listened to many of your lectures and attended many of the conferences you spoke at.

To be honest with you, I am no longer interested in attending conferences because I feel so much effort are being done for little result to be achieved. When will the time come for people like you to creat something on the ground that aims at empowering Muslims and training them to be productive citizens.

I always ask myself this question, ISNA, with all my due respect to the people working there, has been doing conferencing for more than 3 decades, but if you ask about how many people ISNA has trained and empowered they are so little.



Salam ‘alaykum

Don’t be mislad as to the purposes of some activities… big conferences have a specific aim, and it is sometimes good to feel that you are not alone…

Now, it is true that we need to be involved at the grassroots level. During the last twenty years this is what I have tried to do : to work within academia but also with organisations on a daily basis, at the local level…

You must remain fair…during the last decades numerous things have changed and improved. May be not enough but it is quite great. So, now in sha Allah it is your turn…do whatever you can do to improve the situation. May God help us, help you…and your kids after you



Name : Rasha    – 
Profession :
can Muslim Women face the chagllences these days ?



Salam ‘alaykum

Of course…and to tell you the truth they are doing very well and very often better than men. So keep the good spirit, remain yourself and try to nurture your heart while getting your rights and showing the right way. And men should of course be involved in that process

May The Light go along with you



Name : Aman    – United Kingdom
Profession :Finance
Asalaam Alay Kum.

In February another Anti-War demo is planned in the UK to demonstrate against the war in Iraq. Since the initial invasion, many of these demo’s have taken place and in all honesty they have had very little effect – if any.

But despite this some Muslims will still take part in the hope that something good may come out of this and to make themselves feel better knowing that they might have done something for the cause.

Do you think that such demo’s achieve anything and what can Muslims in the west do for those suffering in Iraq and Afghanistan that might actually bring some benefit rather than some useless demo.



Where ever you are, find the way to be heard when it comes to defend the rights of the oppressed.

It may not achieve something per se, tangible, immediate…but it is a voice to be heard in a peaceful and determined way.

So yes, that’s good. It is not enough…but if we stop doing what is not enough we will end doing nothing for it will never be enough.

Allahu a’lam



Name : Ahmed    – United Kingdom
Profession : LLM International Human Rights Student

Assalamu Aleyikum,
Please advise what is your opinion regarding child adoption in islam in Europe having regard to International Human Rights and Shariah Rules and the Child Protection Convention which also includes issues of inheritance.


Salam ‘alaykum,

Within the scope the legal adoption in the West there is a room for a framework totally in accordance with the Islamic prescriptions. It is wrong to be prevented from offering a solution to Muslims by only opposing ‘fostering’ and ‘adoption’.

Deep study of the laws in Western countries shows that there is a way to respect the Islamic requirements while respecting the common law on that matter. So the scholars in each country should study what does the legislation say instead of saying in an absolute way ‘this is halal or this is haram’

The room for manoeuvre is important but it requires specialisation and no general simplistic and misleading statements.

Wa Allahu a’lam

Thank you for your questions, thanks to Islamonline. May Allah protect us and love us all. Salam ‘alaykum wa rahmatuLLahi wa barakatuh 





Name : Editor    – 

Finally, we would like to thank Prof. Dr. Tariq Ramadan for taking the time to answer the questions of viewers today, and we also thank all those who participated in this dialogue.

We apologize for not being able to accommodate all the questions within the time allocated to this session. If you feel your question is very important, feel free to contact us at and we will try our best to answer your question. We encourage our readers to join us in upcoming sessions.




SOURCE : IslamOnline



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