Greetings from Cork. Most interesting; I intend to try to understand something more about Islamic spirituality, theology and ethics in their various historical manifestations, and I am confident that your understanding of such topics will provide me with some valuable insight. But I am a better reader than listener. Will these lectures become available in written format?
يعود انكسارالحضارة الإسلامية - حسب العديد من المؤرخين- إلى حوالي القرن الثالث عشر، والغزو المغولي. كانت الاضطرابات على طول حدود الإمبراطورية، وهشاشة السلطة، والهزائم...
Greetings from Cork. Most interesting; I intend to try to understand something more about Islamic spirituality, theology and ethics in their various historical manifestations, and I am confident that your understanding of such topics will provide me with some valuable insight. But I am a better reader than listener. Will these lectures become available in written format?
With best wishes
James Fairhead