I have been following your Chronicles each day and this number 16 was surely a repeat of an earlier one…some where in the first few you gave us…as a non Muslim I am finding your series on spirituality of Islam fascinating as I am following it up with readings from your book The Messenger.
Thank you.
يعود انكسارالحضارة الإسلامية - حسب العديد من المؤرخين- إلى حوالي القرن الثالث عشر، والغزو المغولي. كانت الاضطرابات على طول حدود الإمبراطورية، وهشاشة السلطة، والهزائم...
I have been following your Chronicles each day and this number 16 was surely a repeat of an earlier one…some where in the first few you gave us…as a non Muslim I am finding your series on spirituality of Islam fascinating as I am following it up with readings from your book The Messenger.
Thank you.