What Does Palestine Represent for Muslims ?

1 تعليق

  1. Interesting discussion and last night when I was listening to this recording I also watched, later, a BBC programme showing the way the Israeli’s are stealing areas of land in East Jerusalem. I assume both this programme and the one on the BBC was to coincide with Gaza 1417
    Nasim Ahmed talked about the movement of Europeans into the Middle East and displacing the indigenous population. I would suggest he should have added Russia & America. Clearly Europe and in particular Britain created this mess when they deceived the Arabs during the First World War. There are not many things that make me disappointed about being British but the deception committed by the British government at the end of the First World War is one of them
    I was watching also another programme and this was about Lawrence of Arabia which clearly emphasised that UK had promise the land to the Arabs after the war but reneged and, with France, extended their respective empires. My only criticism of Nasim was when he referred to the Israelis as a cancer to be removed. The Israeli should be allowed to live in Palestine but they should give up the land which they got from the 1967 war. Perhaps Hamas, and other groups who wish to “remove the cancer “ should considered the way that Gandhi defeated the British overlords and to some extent Mandela defeated apartheid by peaceful methods and not the bullet.

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