mashAllah very informative discussion. I have to say I was surprised to see a person who is not a Muslim scholar bringing up all these points. just amazing.
Now I have some answers for my friend who just asked me last week as to why Muslims are so often portrayed as aggressive and violent. Have to thank you for this amazing info.
يعود انكسارالحضارة الإسلامية - حسب العديد من المؤرخين- إلى حوالي القرن الثالث عشر، والغزو المغولي. كانت الاضطرابات على طول حدود الإمبراطورية، وهشاشة السلطة، والهزائم...
mashAllah very informative discussion. I have to say I was surprised to see a person who is not a Muslim scholar bringing up all these points. just amazing.
Now I have some answers for my friend who just asked me last week as to why Muslims are so often portrayed as aggressive and violent. Have to thank you for this amazing info.