So resonant for this time. I am so glad I heard this talk. Tariq Ramadam is able to communicate clearly ideas and beliefs which must be shared with the world. I am married to a Muslim man and have learnt so much from him about my own history. He is so right when he says many people in the West do not know their own history. I want to learn more. Again he says we are always whatever age we are a student. Thankyou so much for this.
يعود انكسارالحضارة الإسلامية - حسب العديد من المؤرخين- إلى حوالي القرن الثالث عشر، والغزو المغولي. كانت الاضطرابات على طول حدود الإمبراطورية، وهشاشة السلطة، والهزائم...
So resonant for this time. I am so glad I heard this talk. Tariq Ramadam is able to communicate clearly ideas and beliefs which must be shared with the world. I am married to a Muslim man and have learnt so much from him about my own history. He is so right when he says many people in the West do not know their own history. I want to learn more. Again he says we are always whatever age we are a student. Thankyou so much for this.