Burqa becomes focus of tense debate in Europe

Debate on CNN on Amanpour’s program on February 3rd 2010

13 تعليقات

  1. islam isn’t european ? there are muslims in europe????!!! is she ignorant or ridiculous , islam came to europe from asia exactly as christianity came to europe from palestine and judaism from egypt , why didn’t she say that christianity isn’t european! the three religions are european because there are muslims, christians, and jews in europe , we don’t care about the origin of each religion !!

    • yeh the woman got serious issues. donno why she seemed so frustrated. she does not even know how to carry a discussion. I am very surprising as to why people even invite her in serious discussions.

    • Ignorant, narrow minded, arrogant, RUDE!!!! there are many other unpleasant words which can be used to describe this woman……….Clearly she had no interest in hearing out Prof Ramadan or allowing him to respond. My god!! she did not even know the basic etiquette necessary for a debate.

      However, what I found interesting is how the presenter of the show cut Prof Ramadan off before he could finish by telling him he will get his chance in a minute, and then, almost immediately after gave someone else the last word. Although, she was helping Ayaan with her arguments through out the debate. I wonder why Prof Ramadan was invited to this show when neither Hirsi Ali or the presenter had much or any interest in what he had to say.

  2. elle est nulle elle ne le laisse pas parler et le coupe à chaque fois c’est insupportable c’est un débat et non un monologue, je me demnde juste quand est ce qu’on aura quelqu’un à la hauteur de mr Ramadan et capable de mener un débat sain et légal avec lui.

    • Madame Hirshi has not inaf of knowledge. It is ridiculous who invite her to the debate. She should study history and Islam and after she can participate in the debate. We are shame to listen so ignorance from the women who was a Muslim.She cant persuade anybody who has knowledge just people who have the same ignorance like she and a hate in the heart.

    • Madam Hirsha Ali is generally invited to add nusience value to any gathering, debate and to highlight the Western version of repression of Muslim women. She was recently in India as an author and a spokeswoman of enlightened Muslim woman. Luckily Indian Muslims are aware of the tactics of irratating Muslims and then holding them up as barbarbarians. They simply ignored her. I am a Muslim woman and I do not feel repessed, oppressed and anyway belittled by my religion.

  3. this is the indian version of WAFAA SULTAN , people who change their religion for money ,she insults islam to be heard and to get money

    voici une autre affamée tout come WAFAA SULTAN qui lèche les pattes des gouvernements pour manger du pain , et elle va meme jusqu’à se retourner contre sa propre religion et ses propres principes
    she has nothing to do with mr RAMADAN

  4. Ayaan Hirshi Ali wants REVENGE… But she’s accusing the wrong thing, it’s the backward Somali clanculture she needs to talk about, not islam.

    I don’t think Tariq Ramadan and Ayaan will become friends any tome soon:-)

  5. They should have let Prof Ramadan finish what he was trying to say. Why is Ayaan Hirsi Ali allowed to interrupt so rudely by Amanpour and Tariq not even allowed to finish. That is not a discussion, its a set up

    Thank you Proff Ramadan for being out there, and doing all this. You are our light. May Allah help you.

  6. Asa Brother Ramadan,

    I really admire your commitment to Islam. May Allah love you and protect you.

    There is one thing I want to say about your debate with Ayan Harsan Ali….although she tried to cut ur talk several times – which is not appropriate at all…i did not expect u to not stop immediatly when Amanpour asked u to do so…. i would like to see u perfect ur ikhlaaq in that respect… may Allah help us perfect our characters and May Allah make it easy for u…


  7. Madam Harshi together with the biased moderator were not willing to face the words of Prof Ramadan. This is a typical CNN Programme.

    But I would reccomend Harshi to take the job of Moderator which let her to get more famous in France.

    I think she should learn the ethics of talking and listening to others first. These are moral habbits which comes with upbringing.

  8. she is not dumb at all, but she was a little rude. in all fairness he wasn’t responding to her claims and was simply batting around the bush! the fact is islamic values do in fact clash with western ones, therefore either the host will have to reshape a little, or the immigrants will have to reshape.. she clearly feels that western values are superior to islamic ones and she is entitled to her opinion.. calling her dumb really doesn’t help ur cause either

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