Syria : In the Name of the Innocents Executed

A Prayer for the absent and the dead
By the Syrian Nonviolence Movement

The Syrian Nonviolence Movement calls all believers to pray for the martyrs who fell under the yoke of Bachar al-Assad’s repressive regime

Following the widespread repression by Bashar al-Assad’s regime, the number of people killed since the beginning of the Syrian uprising currently exceeds 2500. Some crumbs of comfort for the families concerned have lay in the fact that they have been able to bury their dead and pray at the site of their graves.

However, the fate of some 11,000 disappeared remains uncertain; many of whom are now presumed dead. For the latter, their families may never have the opportunity to retrieve the bodies and bury them with dignity.

And so we, the Syrian Nonviolence Movement, are calling for a common prayer to be held for our Muslim and Christian martyrs both in the mosques, after completion of the Taraweeh prayers, and in churches on Sunday 28th August.

This campaign will of course be relayed in the mosques and churches of the Muslim world, as well as across the whole of Europe, Canada and in the United States in a demonstration of solidarity with the families of the pacifist martyrs and more widely with the Syrian people who have been experiencing barbaric repression by Bashar al-Assad’s regime over the last five months.

We are therefore calling upon mosques and churches to join us, and hope that this call will be relayed within the religious communities in their diversity.

We also encourage all citizens from all backgrounds to participate in this campaign by lighting candles in the public places of their choice.

For more info:


سوريا لأجلك نصلي

الحراك السمي السوري

جاوز عدد الشهداء في سوريا منذ بداية الثورة المجيدة 2500 شهيداً ، ما بين طفل و امرأة و شاب، هذا هو عدد الشهداء الذين استطاع أهلهم و ذووهم تشييعهم و دفنهم و الصلاة عليهم..

لكن هناك أكثر من 11000 مفقوداً ، قسم منهم في عداد الشهداء، لكن أهاليهم لم و ربما لن يستطيعوا الحصول على جثامينهم أو دفنهم بطريقة لائقة، و لن يتمكنوا من إقامة الصلاة على أرواحهم الطاهرة.

لهذا السبب نطلق نحن شباب « الحراك السلمي السوري » دعوة لإقامة صلاة الغائب في المساجد (بعد صلاة التراويح وفي الكنائس) على أروح شهداء سورية من جميع أطيافها, يوم الأحد المقبل 28-08-


تشمل هذه الحملة الجوامع و الكنائس في سوريا و العالم العربي و الإسلامي، و كذلك دول أوروبا، وكندا وأمريك

إننا من خلال هذه الحملة نريد التعبير عن تضامننا مع عائلات شهداء الثورة السلمية بشكل خاص و بشكل أعم مع الشعب السوري الذي يعاني من القمع الوحشي لنظام بشار الأسد منذ أكثر من خمسة أشهر.

ولذلك فإننا ندعو كل المساجد والكنائس للانضمام إلينا، ونأمل أن تكون الاستجابة بشكل واسع لهذه الحملة ضمن الأوساط الدينية بمختلف اتجاهاتها.

كما ندعو المواطنين من كافة الأديان و الطوائف للمشاركة من خلال إضاءة الشموع في ساحة عامة من اختيارهم.

للمزيد من المعلومات :

Singapour Togel, Hong Kong Togel, SGP Issue, HK Issue Today

3 تعليقات

  1. Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu,

    since you are so right to ask us today to remember those thousand of innocent executed and disappeared in Syria and to pray for them, we should read again the article our dear brother Tariq wrote nearly 2 months ago (june, the 28th) on this web site: « Revealing Syria ». So few efficient measures have been taken since then by our Western governments in order to avoid and stop this unacceptable bloodshed… « Oppressed people will never forget. History will always remember. »

    • jebusite1 (@jebusite1) says:
      August 25, 2011 at 2:36 pm

      The Libyan paradigm. It’s naive to assume that Liberal Interventionism is a humanitarian project! the new Libyan governors will have to pay for the service they requested and lobbied for; so earnestly and for so long.
      Had they continued with what started as a peaceful uprising; it would have been very difficult to justify any outside intervention by NATO or anybody else; if not impossible.
      it was a choice that Libya’s opposition took; and they alone will be responsible for any adverse consequences their country may suffer; of exploitation and domination.
      The Iraqi example was there for all to see; and so was the Egyptian.
      Libya chose violent intervention over Nonviolent protest. The interventionists could not believe their luck; they jumped at the opportunity when the chips were down for them globally over the debacles of Iraq and Afghanistan. They were beginning to go out of fashion; when Libya made them all the rage. Which takes us to Syria.
      the relentless bombardment of Libya, the destruction, loss of life and the ensuing chaos that is unfolding in front of our eyes now; will embolden the case for the proponents of the nonviolent camp within the opposition movement. it appears that they form the majority of activists within Syria as well as the expats.
      The fact that Syria does not offer a particularly attractive oil booty will have an influence on the industrialised countries’ appetite for intervention.
      Strategically the US is ambivalent about the importance of the Ba3th regime vis a vis Israel; the peace process, and the age old mantra of ‘regional stability’.
      On the one hand Syria is Iran’s best friend in the Middle East and probably the whole world. Iran’s antagonistic stance towards the US and Israel make the case for rocking its boat and severing its life line to Hizbullah.
      On the other hand; Syria does a lot of jaw jaw on the Palestinian question and is always quick to condemn acts of aggression by Israel towards the Palestinians; it also chants about its own Golan Heights and its commitment to freeing it from Israel. Assad like his father is very vocal about the US and its imperialist ambitions; but having said all that the facts on the grounds are that Syria has kept Israel safe behind secure borders for the duration of the Ba3th part rule. In fact Syria never shot in anger inside Israeli borders! And that puts the case for the Non-interventionists.
      in a peculiar way; the choice is not in the hands of the emperor in Washington; but in those of the protesters in the streets of Damascus. it is their choice and theirs only. if they decide to persevere with their Nonviolent protest, no matter what cost or how long; there will be no reason or legitimacy for intervention. If however they decide that they want a quick solution no matter what the consequences are; then they will ask for help and Uncle Sam will certainly oblige.
      on balance it looks like they’re going to go the way of Egypt rather than Libya and that will be to the disappointment of the Liberal Interventionists; who in spite of the boost Libya gave them; no longer rule the roost.


  2. Killing pacific poeple by instruments of any state
    Sure there is a full responsability of the state in his entire and governement has to respond of his crimes .
    Because innocents poeple have their family wich have the right to live and to demonstrante staying alive not beeing killed by instruments of the state.

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