« Does Islam need Enlightenment? Is the religion of Islam a hindrance for development?“
Bonn 21/01/06For further information please click here
« Does Islam need Enlightenment? Is the religion of Islam a hindrance for development?“
Bonn 21/01/06Pour plus d'information, cliquer ici
L’Islam et les Musulmans en Europe. Vision sur une présence harmonieuse
RotterdamPour plus d'information, cliquer ici
Islam and Muslims in Europe. Visions on a harmonious presence
For further information please click here
Burning Cities: Lessons from the French uprisings for Europe and Britain today
London 1.30 PMBurning Cities: Lessons from the French uprisings for Europe and Britain today
A seminar organised by the UK Race & Europe Network
Speakers: Professor...
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