Who’s Afraid of Tariq Ramadan?

FOREIGN POLICYThe U.S. government is so convinced that Tariq Ramadan is dangerous, it revoked the Muslim scholar's visa to teach at the University of...

To Be Muslim, Western, and Modern

Beliefnet'This is a serious attack on academic freedom,' says the controversial Swiss scholar. A few weeks before the singer Cat Stevens, now called Yusuf Islam,...

Tariq Ramadan (Rebroadcast)

The ConnectionThe Swiss-born philosopher Tariq Ramadan is among Europe's most influential Islamic thinkers. Revered by the Muslim youth on the continent, his unique brand...

‘Third way’ speaks to Europe’s young Muslims | csmonitor.com

Tariq Ramadan targets the struggle of balancing Muslim roots with European present. ... Still, by the time Tariq Ramadan arrives, it's standing room only,...

Tariq Ramadan: The Muslim Martin Luther?

The author of "To Be a European Muslim" discusses terrorism, the problem of Saudi Arabia and whether Islam can peacefully coexist with the West. link

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