Demonstrations are anti-islamic?


I have received numerous messages with the same question: “Is it Islamic to demonstrate?” I thought such a question was outdated but it does not seem to be the case, as some people claim to be scholars and confuse minds.

Some are asking for verses and prophetic traditions (ahadith) that would allow demonstrations. Actually the real proof lies with those who forbid it. The first principle in Islam, in social affairs, is permission and it is for those who prohibit protests to provide us with a verse or a clear tradition (hadith) banning demonstrations. It does simply not exist!

Some “scholars of power”, from Saudi Arabia to Egypt (and indeed historically under all despots), produce fatwas, with questionable interpretations and biased positioning, stating that the leaders (whoever they are) must be obeyed and therefore demonstrations are prohibited. Serving the despotic powers and States, installed and paid by them, these “scholars” produce legal opinions tailored for power. These are not Islamic fatwas by scholars, but political fatwas by courtiers.

What the Prophet (PBUH) said is pretty clear: “The best jihad is a word of truth before a tyrant, a despot.” This is exactly what those protesting in the streets are doing… they are speaking a word of truth where they live, where they are able to do so. It is a noble action, sometimes very brave because of the risks involved, and it is an action that is sometimes more a duty than a right.

One more point. We shall remember Moses and Aaron (PSE) before Pharaoh: “Tell him gentle words, perhaps he will remember or he will be moved, shaken.” There is a way of speaking : with firmness and gentleness, with courage and without violence. Gentleness and non-violence are indeed true courage: no insults, no vandalism, no racism. Dignified and powerful speech by women and men respecting themselves and their cause. As for those who vandalize or shout racist slogans, they express more their personal frustrations than they defend a cause. Or they are manipulated, or they are infiltrators trying to ruin the cause.

We should not be naive when organizing events : it is imperative to give every effort to be both heard and never instrumentalized or exploited. This is a requirement and a responsibility, but we must never be silent. In all circumstances, we need to remain wise and courageous. Simply put, … wise, and courageous.

7 Commentaires

  1. So they would prefer to rule without question? The earlier Arabs unite, the better for them, for their grand children will regret it.

  2. Apposite answer by the Professor, nay the Mentor of Muslim Youth!
    May I append this leaf from “The Book of My Personal Investigations”, please?

    • “It is Saudia… that Arab is a History!”
    O the Arabs! Abandon the state of slumber, awake and arise;
    Adopt the affinity of Apostle (PBUH), and do justice to your selves.
    You are “raised for mankind”, and leadership is your right;
    For the Al-Amin (SAW) purified your worthy ancestors to purify the total human society,
    And the Almighty augmented you with timeless arsenals;
    Yet you preferred cozy cots over the dignity to uphold the Truth; Alas!

    O the Open-Air People! You were symbolic of rugged simplicity,
    And what made you stagnate in the chambers of stones and steel?
    Look, your adversary hasn’t invaded you to the “very innermost of your homes,
    disfigured your faces, desecrated your sacred sites,… (in the Qur’anic diction)” plus
    making you passionately participate in your oppression?
    And how can you give up?
    Being community with charter and men with mission.

    Recall, in the ‘arid’ Arabia, the attitude and actions of the awaked souls were for the
    faith-tree watering;
    The goodly trees that bloomed gave gallows for ignorance, breathed air of life into
    charred humanity.
    Just reflect, isn’t the state of present-day world very akin to that at the advent of
    Muhammad-ur-Rasool-ul-Allah (SAW)?
    Isn’t it the trick of tags? For every evil of that age has now star-stamp.
    O the Crier! Silence, it is Saudia… that Arab – the “Arabian Peninsula (Jazee’ratul-Arab in
    the Prophets’s parlance)” – is a history!
    But, at least for the God’s protection of the Qur’an, isn’t the Arab world sine qua non?
    Undoubtedly, Arab World (rather Arabic Language and Arab Culture) constitutes the
    symphony of the Qur’an;
    But the personality of beloved Prophet (well documented in detail to eliminate the
    problem of hermeneutics ad infinitum), the baton of the Qur’an!
    Lastly, who served most to the cause of Islam, Arabs or Nonarabs?

    Mairaj Mahmood Bhat

  3. I have been studying my religion of Islam and therefore, I have never come across where kidnapping is justified for the Muslims or for the people of other faiths.

  4. “It is a noble action, sometimes very brave because of the risks involved, and it is an action that is sometimes more a duty than a right.”

    This noble sentiment jars strongly with the photograph. There is no “risk” in demonstrating against Israel and Jews.

    It is an enormous moral failing of Muslims living in free societies to organize demonstrations in support of Muslims and Christians and others being killed by the thousands in Syria and Iraq. That would be risky and noble.

  5. what did you see that first time that engaged you? I want to know. This view, look and emotion was exclusive, it saw something else than usual, and not just because the pleasant countenance or not just a general sweeping of the audience and appreciation of various faces. It was a recognition of something, an identification, as if both the pair of eyes recognized each other (your eyes first though) an appreciation beyond physicality…Perhaps there wasn’t any knowledge yet about the saga or did you already know? what did your eyes see beyond the countenance? or was it just the countenance that held the attention?…which is exclusively flattering…i don’t think of the countenance much, but AH. So beyond this what kept your attention? what did you recognize? it’s important for me to know…poetic expressions of being found.


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