IAIS – Understanding Reform from an Islamic Perspective [30.01.2015]


4 Commentaires

  1. Brilliant in parts but in part narcisstic(common muslim issue) as well why is there a “we” , why be not part of humanity period. Religion is to understand ones God so any political or legal undertones take u away from Gods path.When u say Quran asks us to evolve with times it by itself means to reform Islam at least thats how i believe it.

  2. A clear presenting of reform steps that should be taken from now and agree that every single Muslim should be with her/ his inteluctual understanding involved into it.
    Also more direct speach to its topic sounds more compact avoiding such lots of unrelated names in the presentation.
    Do agree with the statement: “stop idealizing the past and dreaming for the future!”, but some intellectual Muslim efforts exist also now, in our present!

  3. There are some very disturbing images on the Internet of the Eid al-adha festival : ‘Muslims around the world celebrate Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son for Allah following the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.’ Animals being slaughtered in front of each other in a large hall with a balcony for a good view, people clapping, their hands and knives covered in blood, posing for photographs. A poor camel adorned with garlands of flowers, tethered and bleeding heavily from the throat in front of laughing, clapping crowds. Terrified animals trying to get away and being pulled back by the tail.

    You talk of it being necessary to respect nature, M. Ramadan. How is this ‘respecting nature’? Please deal in specifics as well as the abstract. How can this cruelty be justified? Where is the compassion? Likewise, every day the halal method of meat production causes unnecessary extra suffering to animals. How can you air-brush these realities from your thinking and your discourse, and talk of respect for nature?

    • What you described about the video is unislamic.Islamic texts clearly condemn such unreasonable acts.


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