Iman Jamil Abdullah Al Amin is diagnosed with cancer


A Call to American Muslims, A Plea for Dignity and Courage

I was once sitting in a conference room listening to Muslim scholars who had come from all over the world. Big names, yet no so convincing speeches. Then came the turn of IMAM JAMIL, reminding all of us, and the great Shuyukh in particular, of the very essence of Islam. Curing the heart, showing human solidarity, and standing courageously for justice. A powerful speech from the heart, he literally made me cry.

A few years later, he was jailed by the States. An unbelievable accusation based on a series of inconsistent statements, lies, and race profiling. A shame, a shame, a shame. One more in the dark avenues of the US’s judiciary system when it comes to Blacks and Muslims. He has been unjustly kept in jail since 2000. So many kept quiet, so many forgot him… and so many American citizens, among them Muslims, have preferred to remain silent. Another shame indeed.

Today we learn that IMAM JAMIL is suffering from multiple myeloma (cancer of the plasma cells). IMAM JAMIL should have been freed a long time ago, but at the very least, today, he should be moved immediately to a facility qualified and staffed to treat his diagnosed and life-threatening medical condition: blood cancer. This is his right.

This is the month of Ramadan, Sisters and Brothers, wake up, stand up for dignity and justice for our beloved brother IMAM JAMIL. He must be treated with dignity after having been convicted and forgotten, for so many years, in such an undignified way.

Sisters and Brothers, if you want to be an added civil and social value in the US society, it starts by never accepting injustice, racism, and/or insane domestic or international policies. This is your ethical duty and your morale distinctiveness. Be visible not only through your skin colour, mosques and dress but more importantly, through your values, principles, behaviour and courage.

Here is the link to act :


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