Islam and Life: Islamic art inspiring Western art, artists


2 Commentaires

  1. I really think you should be making a statement , M.Ramadan, and encouraging Islamic leaders to do so , regarding the imprisonment and sentence of death of a young mother in Sudan for apostasy. I really do not understand how a thinking person would associate themselves with such notions.

  2. I cannot understand how things like art or state can have a religion ie Islam in this case .Art or architecture created by muslims not only arabs influenced by their religion is an entity which has led to wonderful buildings calligraphy, poetry even clothes . Islamic influence in art made certain forms more refined but at the same time an artists creativity must have been compromised by religious interpretation not allowing drawing forms of humans or other restriction ,look at poetry as an example .Artists create best work when they have inner freedom to go wherever their mind takes them , when religion is used to create boundaries then we see the result , muslims have lost power of creativity which comes from a free soul and we r only slave to rules and regulations imposed by on us by men who lived thousands of years ago and saw God thru that prism. Once we apply Gods principle in this century muslims as a culture will have a chance to breathe and be alive again. I pray for such a revival and restoration of balance.

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