Ramadan Mubarak : Chronicle 2


10 Commentaires

  1. Salaam. I agree Tariq not to be too harsh to people, but at the same time we might want to prevent somebody from harming themselves. What´s the right way of doing so then?

    • Un ami m’a envoyé vers cet article parce que je cherche des infos à ce sujet. Cette page est effectivement intéressante. Merci


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  2. It’s true, Tariq, no final judgements. This means to fight with the Ego’s pride and get nearer to the Submission to God, all this in peace with the humans.
    I remember you said in a conference that we shoukd tell the truth without harming. We can do this only when we let the final judgment in the hands of God.
    Thank you for these chronicles and Ramadan Karim

  3. Salam Alaykum

    Jazakallah Khair Prof. Ramadan for these ramadan chronicles. they make ramadan so much more meaningful. looking forward to hearing them everyday!

  4. Salamou alaikoum mr. Ramadan. Thanks for these daily islamic talks. As a non-arabic speaking muslim it’s nice to hear someone explaining ahadith in English. I always enjoy your talks, I find them very informative and soothing. I like the way you put emphasis on intention and drawing close to God, rather than just form and regulation (though not neglecting this). This is what I’m trying to do myself, but it’s not easy; drawing close to God is quite abstract. Maybe you can give us some input on how to achieve this.

    Salamou Alaikoum and happy ramadan,

  5. Thank you, Brother Tariq, for these beautiful reflections. I am so grateful for the blessing of your words upon my life and my path throughout the years; and especially so encouraging as we fast.

    I am sharing this ‘day 2’ message of yours with all my friends to help them understand the fast and Islam. I am very thankful it is in English, and so happy to have a sound and simple tool to help me share this faith I love so much…it is good of you to share your strength in this way; may Allah reward you for it.

    May you be blessed and strengthened in all your efforts to share the light of wisdom and may God wrap you and your family in his tender mercy and flowing love, always. Peace be with you, and Ramadan Kareem!!

    Your littlest sister,


  6. i found the part about questioning why we’re actually fasting very helpful, as a lot of people in our communities here in England are disputing the times of opening and closing the fasts as the days get longer and longer. I suppose it’s important to remember why we’re fasting in the first place, instead of getting caught in the when and for how long side of things…
    PS was this recorded at fajr? lovin the ambiance added by the birds in the background ^_^ /ws

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